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如果該 id 不存在該行,則 SQL 為從另一個表返回的每個 id 插入多行

[英]SQL Insert multiple rows for every id returned from another table if the row does not exist for that id

我需要為另一個表中的每個返回的 id 將多行插入到一個表中。


id | thing1 |
1  |  true
2  |  false
3  |  true
4  |  false
5  |  true


id |  table1_id  |     column3    |    column4   |
1  |     1       |     'fizz'     |    'fizz'
2  |     1       |     'buzz'     |    'buzz'
3  |     1       | 'hello world'  | 'hello world'
4  |     2       |     'fizz'     |    'fizz'
5  |     2       |     'buzz'     |    'buzz'
6  |     2       | 'hello world'  | 'hello world'

我需要從上面的 table1 中獲取每個 id,其中 thing1 為 true,並將多行插入 table2 中,並使用相應的 id 以及 2 個其他字符串。

SELECT id FROM table1 WHERE thing1 = true

將返回 ID 1、3 和 5。

我想插入多行,將 table1 中的 id 以及 2 個其他字符串添加到 table2 中。

INSERT into table2 (table1_id, column3, column4)
    (*id*, 'fizz', 'fizz')
    (*id*, 'buzz', 'buzz')
    (*id*, 'hello world', 'hello world')

我知道如何獲取 id 並手動插入,但如何用一個語句同時完成?

我會建議一個 INSERT ... SELECT 像這樣:

INSERT into table2 (table1_id, column3, column4)
SELECT t1.id, s.str, s.str
FROM table1 AS t1
CROSS JOIN (SELECT "fizz" AS str UNION SELECT "buzz" UNION SELECT "hello world") AS s
LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2 ON t1.id = t2.table1_id AND s.str = t2.column3
WHERE t1.thing1 = true
    AND t2.id IS NULL -- Only insert when they are not already present


我沒有太多使用 CROSS JOIN 的電話,所以我不確定它們與 LEFT JOIN 的搭配效果如何,所以如果上述方法不太正確,以下是一些替代方案:

INSERT into table2 (table1_id, column3, column4)
SELECT t1.id, s.str, s.str
FROM table1 AS t1
CROSS JOIN (SELECT "fizz" AS str UNION SELECT "buzz" UNION SELECT "hello world") AS s
WHERE t1.thing1 = true
    AND (t2.id, s.str) NOT IN (SELECT table1_id, column3 FROM table2 )


INSERT into table2 (table1_id, column3, column4)
SELECT t1.id, s.str, s.str
FROM table1 AS t1
CROSS JOIN (SELECT "fizz" AS str UNION SELECT "buzz" UNION SELECT "hello world") AS s
WHERE t1.thing1 = true
           SELECT * 
           FROM table2 AS t2 
           WHERE t2.table1_id = t1.id AND t2.column3 = s.str

如果是 Sql Server,則聯合子查詢(包括它周圍的括號和別名)可以替換為(VALUES ('fizz'), ('buzz'), ('hello word')) AS s(str)


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