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在 SwiftUI TextField 中實現令牌

[英]Implement tokens in a SwiftUI TextField

如何使 SwiftUI 中的 TextField 具有 UISearchBar 之類的令牌?

我試圖插入一個 UISearchBar 以便我可以使用它們,但是我失去了 TextField 和 List 之間交互的行為。



它對存儲在數組searchText的搜索文本有一個綁定。 其中每個元素都將包含每個標記的文本。

/// Brings UISearchBar to SwiftUI. This enables using tokens for searching for iOS and macOS.
struct TokenSearchBar {
    @Binding var searchText: [String]

extension TokenSearchBar: UIViewRepresentable {

    internal func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UISearchBar {
        //Configures the Search Bar
        let searchBar = UISearchBar()

        searchBar.delegate = context.coordinator

        return searchBar

    func updateUIView(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, context: Context) {

        if context.coordinator.searchText != searchText {
            context.coordinator.searchText = searchText

    /// Coordinator and delegate for the searchbar
    internal class Coordinator: NSObject, UISearchBarDelegate {
        var parent: TokenSearchBar

        var searchBar: UISearchBar?

        var searchText: [String] = [] {
            didSet {
                guard let searchBar = searchBar else {

                //get the current search array
                var tokenSearchText = searchText

                let lastSearchTextItem: String

                if tokenSearchText.isEmpty {
                    lastSearchTextItem = ""
                } else {
                    lastSearchTextItem = tokenSearchText.removeLast()

                //compare them with the search array
                tokenSearchText.enumerated().forEach {
                    offset, searchString in

                    //Get the current tokens.
                    let currentTokens = searchBar.searchTextField.tokens

                    //Check if the number of tokens on display can be displayed with this offset. If not it will create a new token at the end.
                    if currentTokens.count > offset {

                        //Check if the token at this offset has the same object as the searchstring. If not will insert a new token on this offset.
                        //I will assume that all represented objects are strings
                        if let representedObject = currentTokens[offset].representedObject as? String, representedObject != searchString {
                            let newToken = UISearchToken(icon: nil, text: searchString)
                            newToken.representedObject = searchString

                            searchBar.searchTextField.tokens.insert(newToken, at: offset)

                    } else {
                        let newToken = UISearchToken(icon: nil, text: searchString)
                        newToken.representedObject = searchString


                //Trim the number of tokens to be equal to the tokenSearchText
                let tokensToRemove = searchBar.searchTextField.tokens.count - tokenSearchText.count
                if tokensToRemove > 0 {

                //make the search field text equal to lastSearchTextItem
                if searchBar.text != lastSearchTextItem {
                    searchBar.text = lastSearchTextItem

                if parent.searchText != self.searchText {
                    parent.searchText = self.searchText


        init(_ searchBar: TokenSearchBar) {
            self.parent = searchBar

        //MARK: UISearchBarDelegate implementation
        func searchBarCancelButtonClicked(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
            self.searchBar = searchBar

            searchText = []

        func searchBarSearchButtonClicked(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
            self.searchBar = searchBar

            //add a new level to the search
            if searchText.last?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) != "" {

        func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
            self.searchBar = searchBar

            if self.searchText.last != nil,  self.searchText[self.searchText.count - 1] != searchText {
                self.searchText[self.searchText.count - 1] = searchText
            } else {

                var tokenText = searchBar.searchTextField.tokens.compactMap{$0.representedObject as? String}


                self.searchText = tokenText


在 iOS 16 中,Apple 正在向 SwiftUI 的searchable視圖修飾符添加此支持: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/form/searchable(text:tokens:placement:prompt:token:)-77cfu


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