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[英]Add a new sheet from template into a raw google script and organize into a folder






function newSheet() {
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var templateSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Plantilla")
    var sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1")
        var getNames = sheet1.getRange("G2:G").getValues().filter(String).toString().split(",");

    for (var i = 0; i < getNames.length; i++) {
        var copy = ss.getSheetByName(getNames[i]);
        if (copy) {
            Logger.log("Sheet already exists");
        } else {

// function to create the index
function createIndex() {

  // Get all the different sheet IDs
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheets = ss.getSheets();

  var namesArray = sheetNamesIds(sheets);

  var indexSheetNames = namesArray[0];
  var indexSheetIds = namesArray[1];

  // check if sheet called sheet called already exists
  // if no index sheet exists, create one
  if (ss.getSheetByName('index') == null) {

    var indexSheet = ss.insertSheet('Index',0);

  // if sheet called index does exist, prompt user for a different name or option to cancel
  else {

    var indexNewName = Browser.inputBox('The name Index is already being used, please choose a different name:', 'Please choose another name', Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);

    if (indexNewName != 'cancel') {
      var indexSheet = ss.insertSheet(indexNewName,0);
    else {
      Browser.msgBox('No index sheet created');


  // add sheet title, sheet names and hyperlink formulas
  if (indexSheet) {




// function to update the index, assumes index is the first sheet in the workbook
function updateIndex() {

  // Get all the different sheet IDs
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheets = ss.getSheets();
  var indexSheet = sheets[0];

  var namesArray = sheetNamesIds(sheets);

  var indexSheetNames = namesArray[0];
  var indexSheetIds = namesArray[1];


// function to print out the index
function printIndex(sheet,names,formulas) {


  sheet.getRange(1,1).setValue('Workbook Index').setFontWeight('bold');


// function to create array of sheet names and sheet ids
function sheetNamesIds(sheets) {

  var indexSheetNames = [];
  var indexSheetIds = [];

  // create array of sheet names and sheet gids
                        + sheet.getSheetId() 
                        + '";"' 
                        + sheet.getSheetName() 
                        + '")']);

  return [indexSheetNames, indexSheetIds];



通過在 Apps ScriptSpreadsheet 服務中使用Drive 服務,您可以輕松實現您的意圖。 下面是一段自我解釋的注釋代碼,它實現了您的目標。

注意:我只舉了一個例子,說明第一個月 (ENERO) 的情況如何,為了實現其余部分,它只是復制我在第一個月所做的事情。

 function myFunction() { // Get the sheet where we have all the dates var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1'); // Get the month name. Repeat this for the other months you might want to include // For example if February is on A10 just get the range from A10 var Month1 = sheet.getRange('A1').getValue(); // Create a parent folder in the root of your drive where you will be storing everything for this project var parentFolder = DriveApp.createFolder('Months'); // Create a folder for each month using the name we got before. Repeat for the rest of the months. var Month1Folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(parentFolder.getId()).createFolder(Month1); // Get the dates of each month. Repeat for the rest of the months. // For example, if February dates go from A11 to A21 get the range A11:A21 // Also, getValues returns an array of arrays. Therefore I have flatten it to make a simple 1D array var Month1Days = sheet.getRange('A2:A4').getValues().flat(); // For every element of our Month 1 date names array // Repeat this block for the rest of the months substituying the array and column (to not overwrite) accordingly for(i=0;i<Month1Days.length;i++){ // Create a new spreadsheet with the name of the dates of that month and get its id var idFile = SpreadsheetApp.create(Month1Days[i]).getId(); // Get the file object of the new Spreadsheet var file = DriveApp.getFileById(idFile); // Add this file to our month folder Month1Folder.addFile(file); // Remove the duplicate that is still in the root folder DriveApp.getRootFolder().removeFile(file); // Paste a link to this new spreadsheet in our original sheet in the third column sheet.getRange(i+1, 3).setValue(file.getUrl()); } }

我希望這對你有幫助。 如果您需要其他任何東西或者您不理解某些東西,請告訴我。 :)


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