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如何使用 scroll-y 和 flexbox 獲得 2 個相同高度的 div

[英]How get 2 divs same height using scroll-y and flexbox

我希望這個可滾動的 div 與它旁邊的 div 具有相同的高度。 這是我到目前為止得到的:

<div style="display: flex">
       The height must be determined by this div.
    <div style="overflow-y: scroll">
       This div has a lot of content.
       The height must follow the div next to me.

不幸的是,正確的 div 總是與其內容一樣大。 兩個div都有動態內容,所以我不知道確切的高度。

首先閱讀她之間的差異: overflow-y: scrollauto (在您的情況下最好使用自動)。 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/overflow

再做一個前期的align-items: flex-start; (像這樣 col 的高度將不匹配)。

.parent {
  display: flex;
  align-items: flex-start;

如何在 Flexbox 中禁用等高列?

“真實”解決方案(適用於所有情況) - 僅通過 Javascript

 /* set max-height by code */ var colHeight = document.getElementById("child_1").getBoundingClientRect().height; console.log(colHeight); document.getElementById("child_2").style.maxHeight = colHeight+"px";
 .parent { display: flex; } #child_1{ border: 3px solid orange; } #child_2 { overflow-y: auto; border: 2px solid violet; }
 <main class='parent'> <div id="child_1"> <p> Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases </p> <p> Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases </p> </div> <div id="child_2"> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> </div> </main>


當您通過代碼設置max-height - 您應該在每次瀏覽器調整大小時運行它(響應式網站的更安全方法): 如何在每次調整 HTML 元素大小時運行 JavaScript 函數?

 function resize() { /* set max-height by code */ var colHeight = document.getElementById("child_1").getBoundingClientRect().height; console.log(colHeight); document.getElementById("child_2").style.maxHeight = colHeight+"px"; console.log('resized'); } resize(); window.onresize = resize;
 .parent { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; } #child_1{ border: 3px solid orange; } #child_2 { overflow-y: auto; border: 2px solid violet; }
 <main class='parent'> <div id="child_1"> <p> Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases </p> <p> Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases - Fit to content in all cases </p> </div> <div id="child_2"> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> </div> </main>



這個max-height技巧在小屏幕上不是很有用。 一種解決方案(如果窗口寬度高於 X 運行函數)。

function resize() {
  /* set max-height by code */
  if (window.innerWidth > 960) {
    var colHeight = document.getElementById("child_1").getBoundingClientRect().height;
    console.log("window width" + window.innerWidth +"px");
    document.getElementById("child_2").style.maxHeight = colHeight+"px";

window.onresize = resize;

如果屏幕寬度小於 960 像素,請執行某些操作

為什么 CSS 不夠用?


選項 1 - 左列比右列短:

將右列高度設置為: max-height: 100px;

 .parent { display: flex; } #child_1{ border: 1px solid lightgray; } #child_2 { overflow-y: scroll; max-height: 100px; border: 1px solid violet; }
 <main class='parent'> <div id="child_1"> <p> Very short content </p> </div> <div id="child_2"> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> </div> </main>

選項 2 - 左列比右列長:

在這種情況下,一種選擇是為父級設置max-height (非常非常無響應的方法 - 因為您應該為兩個列聲明溢出)+非常奇怪的 UI:

 .parent { display: flex; max-height: 100px; } #child_1{ border: 3px solid orange; overflow-y: scroll; } #child_2 { overflow-y: scroll; border: 1px solid violet; }
 <main class='parent'> <div id="child_1"> <p> Tall div </p> <p> Tall div </p> <p> Tall div </p> <p> Tall div </p> <p> Tall div </p> </div> <div id="child_2"> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> <p> This div has a lot of content. The height must follow the div next to me. </p> </div> </main>

一個簡單的解決方案是向父元素添加heightmax-height 這樣兩個孩子在任何寬度上都有相同的高度。

<div id='container' class='parent'>
    <div id='content' class='child'>
       The height must be determined by this div.
    <div class='child'>
       This div has a lot of content.
       The height must follow the div next to me.
// CSS
.parent {
  display: flex;
  max-height: 70px; // remove if using JavaScript

.child {
  overflow: scroll;

或者,您可以使用 JavaScript 來確定第一個子元素的當前高度,並將其設為父元素的高度。


// JS
const container = document.getElementById('container');
const content = document.getElementById('content');

const updateContainer = () => {
  let contentHeight = content.clientHeight + 'px';

  container.style.height = contentHeight;


這只是一個例子。 您需要使用事件偵聽器來觸發該函數。


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