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[英]appending to slice of slices recursively

我正在嘗試在 Go 中實現一個簡單的函數,該函數返回一組數字的所有排列。 我讓它打印所有排列,但我無法將它們附加到 2D 切片。 這是排列的代碼:

package main

import "fmt"

// Generating permutation using Heap Algorithm
func heapPermutation(p *[][]int, a []int, size, n, count int) int {
    // if size becomes 1 then prints the obtained
    // permutation
    if size == 1 {
        *p = append(*p, a)
        return count
    i := 0
    for i < size {
        count = heapPermutation(p, a, size-1, n, count)

        // if size is odd, swap first and last
        // element
        // else If size is even, swap ith and last element
        if size%2 != 0 {
            a[0], a[size-1] = a[size-1], a[0]
        } else {
            a[i], a[size-1] = a[size-1], a[i]
    return count


func main() {
    listNumbers := []int{1, 2, 3}
    n := len(listNumbers)
    permutations := make([][]int, 0)
    p := &permutations
    heapPermutation(p, listNumbers, n, n, 0)


[1 2 3]
[2 1 3]
[3 1 2]
[1 3 2]
[2 3 1]
[3 2 1]
[[1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3]]

所以你可以看到該函數能夠找到排列,但是當我嘗試附加它時發生了一些奇怪的事情。 如果我在每個追加之前添加一個fmt.Println(*p)我得到這個結果:

[1 2 3]
[[1 2 3]]
[2 1 3]
[[2 1 3] [2 1 3]]
[3 1 2]
[[3 1 2] [3 1 2] [3 1 2]]
[1 3 2]
[[1 3 2] [1 3 2] [1 3 2] [1 3 2]]
[2 3 1]
[[2 3 1] [2 3 1] [2 3 1] [2 3 1] [2 3 1]]
[3 2 1]
[[3 2 1] [3 2 1] [3 2 1] [3 2 1] [3 2 1] [3 2 1]]
[[1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3]]

所以看起來每次我使用 append 時,它都會添加新切片並覆蓋所有其他切片。 為什么會這樣? 順便說一下,如果我只使用一個全局變量而不是一個指針也是一樣的。


您不是將不同的[]int切片附加到更大的[][]int切片中,而是一遍又一遍地附加相同的 ( a ) 切片。 你修改a幾次。 最后,您已將a修改回原來的樣子,這就是為什么您的最終輸出看起來像原始輸入listNumbers重復了六次的原因。


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
  a := []int{1}
  p := [][]int{a, a, a}
  fmt.Println(p) // [[1] [1] [1]]
  a[0] = 2
  fmt.Println(p) // [[2] [2] [2]]

為了讓您期望的結果,你需要做的拷貝a不得到后來的影響,當你隨后修改a 例如:

tmp := make([]int, len(a))
copy(tmp, a)
*p = append(*p, tmp)


好的,在@Amit Kumar Gupta 的幫助下,我開始工作了! 這是新代碼:package main

    import "fmt"

    // Generating permutation using Heap Algorithm
    func heapPermutation(p *[][]int, a []int, size, n, count int) int {
        // if size becomes 1 then prints the obtained
        // permutation
        if size == 1 {
            tmp := make([]int, len(a)) 
            'a' is like a pointer to an object,
            every time you modify 'a' it will change all the elemets of 'a'
            in the permutations list.
            like so
            a := []int{1}
            p := [][]int{a, a, a}
            fmt.Println(p) // [[1] [1] [1]]
            a[0] = 2
            fmt.Println(p) // [[2] [2] [2]]
            copy(tmp, a)
            *p = append(*p, tmp)
            return count
        i := 0
        for i < size {
            count = heapPermutation(p, a, size-1, n, count)

            // if size is odd, swap first and last
            // element
            // else If size is even, swap ith and last element
            if size%2 != 0 {
                a[0], a[size-1] = a[size-1], a[0]
            } else {
                a[i], a[size-1] = a[size-1], a[i]
        return count


[[1 2 3] [2 1 3] [3 1 2] [1 3 2] [2 3 1] [3 2 1]]


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