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VBA - Powerpoint 演示文稿(和 PDF)合並

[英]VBA - Powerpoint presentation ( and PDF) merging

我正在使用以下代碼將許多其他 powerpoint 演示文稿中的 Powerpoint 演示文稿放在一起:

Sub InsertFromOtherPres()
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim xlWorkBook As Object
    Dim i, j As Byte
    Dim wbname As String
    Dim sldB, sldE As Byte

    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    xlApp.Visible = True

    On Error Resume Next

    Set xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\----\OneDrive\Desktop\Roli PPT\Book - Pages - Macro.xlsm", True, False)

    On Error GoTo 0

    j = 3

    For i = 2 To 154
        wbname = "C:\Users\----\OneDrive\Desktop\Roli PPT\" & xlWorkBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "K").Value

        sldB = xlWorkBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "L").Value
        sldE = xlWorkBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "L").Value

        ActivePresentation.Slides.InsertFromFile FileName:=wbname, Index:=j, SlideStart:=sldB, SlideEnd:=sldE

        j = j + 1
    Next i

    Set xlApp = Nothing
    Set xlWorkBook = Nothing

    MsgBox "Ready"
End Sub

在excel文件中,“K”列是源ppt的名稱,“L”列是需要復制的幻燈片編號。 但是,當宏到達“L”列中的數字高於 26 的行時,我收到一條錯誤消息(意味着所需的幻燈片在源 ppt 中高於 26)
運行時錯誤“-213718860 (80048240)”:幻燈片(未知成員):整數超出范圍。 27 不在 1 到 26 的有效范圍內。


此外,我正在尋找一個簡單的宏,它可以與上述類似,可以將 pdf 文件的給定頁面復制到另一個 pdf 文件,同時還給出要復制的確切位置(頁碼)。


如果給出無效數字(例如“復制 0 張幻燈片” ),它會出錯,並且會自動調整溢出(例如“將幻燈片 1 復制到 7 張幻燈片中的 10”“插入幻燈片 20 of 15” ) - 兩者我認為是您可能遇到的錯誤。

Private Function CopySlidesToPresentation(ByRef Source As Presentation, ByVal CopyStart As Long, ByVal CopySlides As Long, _
    ByRef Destination As Presentation, Optional ByVal InsertAt As Long = -1) As Boolean
    'Source: Presentation to copy from
    'CopyStart: First slide to copy
    'CopySlides: How many slides to copy
    'Destination: Presentation to copy to
    'InsertAt: Position to insert at.  If omitted, will insert at the end of the Presentation
    'TRUE if all slides copy successfully
    'FALSE if unable to copy slides

    Dim CurrentSlide As Long

    CopySlidesToPresentation = False
    If CopyStart < 1 Then Exit Function 'Cannot start before the First Slide
    If CopySlides < 1 Then Exit Function 'Cannot copy No or Negative Slides
    If CopyStart > Source.Slides.Count Then Exit Function 'Cannot copy after the Last Slide
    If InsertAt < 1 Then Exit Function 'Cannot Insert before the Presentation starts

    If CopyStart + CopySlides > Source.Slides.Count Then CopySlides = 1 + Source.Slides.Count - CopyStart 'Trim to Presentation Length
    If InsertAt > Destination.Slides.Count Then InsertAt = -1 'Trim to Presentation Length

    On Error GoTo FunctionError

    For CurrentSlide = 0 To CopySlides - 1 'Copy each slide in turn
        Source.Slides(CopyStart + CurrentSlide).Copy
        If InsertAt > 0 Then
            Destination.Slides.Paste InsertAt + CurrentSlide
            Destination.Slides.Paste 'Put it at the end
        End If
    Next CurrentSlide

    CopySlidesToPresentation = True 'Success!

    On Error GoTo -1 'Clear the Error Handler
End Function


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