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為什么我可以使用默認的 <=> 而不是用戶提供的調用 ==?

[英]Why can I invoke == with a defaulted <=> but not a user-provided one?

#include <compare>

struct A
    int n;
    auto operator <=>(const A&) const noexcept = default;

struct B
    int n;
    auto operator <=>(const B& rhs) const noexcept
        return n <=> rhs.n;

int main()
    A{} == A{}; // ok
    B{} == B{}; // error: invalid operands to binary expression

使用 clang-10 編譯為clang -std=c++20 -stdlib=libc++ main.cpp

為什么A{} == A{}有效但B{} == B{}無效?

在 spaceship 運算符的原始設計中,允許==調用<=> ,但后來由於效率問題而不允許這樣做( <=>通常是實現==的低效方式)。 operator<=>() = default仍被定義為隱式定義operator== ,為方便起見,它正確調用==而不是<=>成員。 所以你想要的是這樣的:

struct A {
    int n;
    auto operator<=>(const A& rhs) const noexcept = default;

// ^^^ basically expands to vvv

struct B {
    int n;
    bool operator==(const B& rhs) const noexcept
        return n == rhs.n;
    auto operator<=>(const B& rhs) const noexcept
        return n <=> rhs.n;


struct B {
    int n;
    // note: return type for defaulted equality comparison operator
    //       must be 'bool', not 'auto'
    bool operator==(const B& rhs) const noexcept = default;
    auto operator<=>(const B& rhs) const noexcept
        return n <=> rhs.n;


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