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使用 Quarkus 的 JPA 中的復合主鍵是否可行?

[英]Are composite primary keys in JPA with Quarkus possible?

如何使用 Quarkus JPA 聲明復合鍵?

嘗試在帶有 Quarkus 的@Entity class 中使用多個@Id注釋,會導致錯誤:

Currently the @Id annotation can only be placed on a single field or method. Offending class is abc.model.Property
    at io.quarkus.spring.data.deployment.generate.StockMethodsAdder.getIdAnnotationTargetRec(StockMethodsAdder.java:940)


interface PropertyRepository : CrudRepository<Property, Pair<String, abc.model.Entity>>



我正在處理兩個 JPA 實體:
1.第一個名為Entity (不要誤認為是注解)

一個Entity可以有 0..n 個Property實例。 代碼如下:

data class Entity (
        @Column(name = "entity_id", updatable = false)
        var entityId: String? = null,

        @Column(nullable = true)
        var type: String? = null
) {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "entity")
    var properties: List<Property>? = null
data class Property (
        @Column(name = "type")
        var type: String? = null,

        @JoinColumn(name = "entity_id")
        private var entity: abc.model.Entity? = null
) : Serializable

如下將復合主鍵聲明為@EmbeddedId並不能解決問題,因為 Quarkus 目前在這種情況下不允許使用除@Id之外的其他注釋:

data class Entity (
        @Column(name = "entity_id", updatable = false)
        var entityId: String? = null,

        @Column(nullable = true)
        var type: String? = null
) {
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "propertyId.entityId")
    var properties: List<Property>? = null

interface PropertyRepository : CrudRepository<Property, PropertyId>

data class PropertyId (
        var type: String? = null,

        @Column(name = "entity_id")
        private var entityId: String? = null
) : Serializable

data class Property (
        var propertyId: PropertyId? = null,

        @Column(name = "constant_value")
        var constantValue: String? = null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Currently only Entities with the @Id annotation are supported. Offending class is abc.model.Property
    at io.quarkus.spring.data.deployment.generate.StockMethodsAdder.getIdAnnotationTargetRec(StockMethodsAdder.java:932)

有可能,您的實體必須擴展 PanacheEntityBase 並使用 class 級別注釋 @Table,@Entity,@IdClass(PK.class),其中 Pk 是具有復合主鍵字段的 POJO,然后您必須聲明相同的字段實體中的 @Id 注釋。 例如:

@Table(name = "agent")
public class AgentBRA extends PanacheEntityBase {

   public Integer idUsuario;
   public Integer idAgent;

和 AgentPk:

public class AgentPK implements Serializable{

   protected Integer idUsuario;

   protected Integer idAgent;
   // getters setters and hascode and equals methods


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