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Typescript 類型化類數組

[英]Typescript Array of Typed Classes

我是整體開發新手,所以請原諒我的無知。我試圖了解如何使用 Typescript 類來組合給定 class 的兩個 arrays

使用以下示例,ValidationError class 由屬性和錯誤消息組成。 MyErrors class 是 ValidationError class 的數組。 我有各種模塊將返回 MyErrors 並希望將它們連接到單個 ValidationErrors 數組中


let allErrors = new MyErrors

allErrors.add("property_a","there was an error with property a") // add an error in the main module

let module_a = returns a MyErrors array
let module_b = returns a MyErrors array

allErrors.addAll(module_a) // Add all errors returned from module_a to allErrors 
allErrors.addAll(module_b) // Add all errors returned from module_b to allErrors 
//allErrors should now be an array of ValidationError items the include the items from the main module, module_a and module_b


export class ValidationError  {
    public property: string
    public error: string
    constructor(property: string, error: string){
        this.property = property;
        this.error = error;

export class MyErrors extends Array<ValidationError>{
    add(property: string,error: string) {
        let newError = new ValidationError(property,error);
        return this.push(newError);
    addAll(errors: MyErrors) {
        return this.concat(errors); //MyErrors instance that concatenates to the declared instance



const allErrors: ValidationError[] = [];

allErrors.push(new ValidationError("property", "error"));

const moduleA: ValidationError[] = [ /* ... */ ];
const moduleB: ValidationError[] = [ /* ... */ ];

// Here's the nice bit using the spread syntax
allErrors.push(...moduleA, ...moduleB);


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