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如何設置 grails 代理有錯誤 & grails 安裝

[英]How to set grails proxy have error & grails install

我想知道錯誤 grails 你能幫我嗎

 |Loading Grails 2.4.0 |Configuring classpath Error | Resolve error obtaining dependencies: Failed to read artifact descriptor for xalan:serializer:jar:2.7.1 (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace) Error | Required Grails build dependencies were not found. This is normally due to internet connectivity issues (such as a misconfigured proxy) or missing repositories in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy. Please verify your configuration to continue. Process finished with exit code 1

在 Grails 2 中,代理被配置和設置在一個文件中(我相信)在你的 ~/.grails 目錄中。 There are command-line arguments for setting that documented in the grails documentation here: https://grails.github.io/grails2-doc/2.4.2/ref/Command%20Line/add-proxy.html


grails add-proxy client --host=proxy-server --port=4300 --username=guest --password=guest


grails set-proxy client


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