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為什么我的 localStorage 變量會在頁面刷新時中斷?

[英]Why does my localStorage variable break on a page refresh?

我的西蒙游戲代碼還有另一個問題。 我添加了一個 localStorage 變量來保存頁面加載之間的高分。 顯然,高分只會隨着你的分數超過它而增加,然后 localStorage 變量應該捕獲那個新分數。 在重新加載我的 localStorage 變量時,只需將數字 1 添加到高分的末尾。 因此,假設您設置了 16 的高分,並且您關閉頁面到 go 做其他事情,然后當您回來玩更多時,您的 16 的高分出現在頁面加載中。 您單擊“開始”開始游戲,當您輸入 select 時,您的高分正確輸入為 161 和 1611 等。


var score = 0;
var level = 0;
//Call high score from localStorage or display the same int as score
var highScore = localStorage.getItem("highScore") || score;

$("#score").html(`${score}`); //Display score on webpage
$("#level").html(`${level}`); //Display level on webpage
$("#high-score").html(`${highScore}`); //Display high score on webpage

//Game logic
$("#start-button").on("click", function() {
    var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("js-button");
    var buttonsToClick = chooseRandomButtons(buttons);
    currentButtons = buttonsToClick;
    flashButtons(buttonsToClick, 0);
    //Every time the start button is pressed, increment level count by 1
    level += 1;

  var currentOrder = 0;
  $(".js-button").off("click").on("click", function() {
    var selectedButton = $(this)[0];
    var button = currentButtons[0];
    //Check input matches array
    if (selectedButton === button) {
        //When a correct input is recorded, increment score & high score by 1
        score += 1;
        highScore += 1;


        //Display win message if you reach the end of the array
        if (score == 111 || score == 100 || score == 98 || score == 88 || score == 78
            || score == 69 || score == 60 || score == 52 || score == 44 || score == 37
            || score == 30 || score == 24 || score == 18 || score == 13 || score == 8
            || score == 4) {
            alert("Well done! Click start to begin the next level");
    //Display restart message if input does not match array
    } else {
        currentButtons = buttonsToClick;
        alert("Sorry, that was wrong. Click 'Start' to try again");
        score = 0;
        level = 0;

        localStorage.setItem("highScore", highScore); //Set persistent high score through page loads


localStorage 存儲字符串。 您正在獲得隱式轉換。 基本上score + (1).toString()

在設置值之前,您應該檢查分數是否高於高分。 我省略了數字轉換,因為有隱式轉換,所以不需要。 但我建議您無論如何添加它,以避免出現問題。

替換highScore += 1;

  if (score > highScore)
        highScore = score;


var highScore = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("highScore")) || score;



var highScore = localStorage.getItem("highScore") || score;


var highScore = +localStorage.getItem("highScore") || score;

localStorage 的類型是 String 你必須將 localStorage 轉換為 Number 類型,如下代碼:


有關 localStorage 的更多信息,請閱讀此文檔


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