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[英]How do I check a valid user input?

我正在為一個在線課程做一個項目,最后一個項目是制作一個“構建你的冒險”程序,用戶可以在其中選擇並導致結局。 我刪除了巨大的介紹,剛剛復制了我有第一選擇的部分。 所以基本上,當我不寫有效數字時,這一切都有效,但是當我寫信時……整個程序開始一個無限循環。 請幫助:這是代碼:

#include <iostream>

int main() {

    int c1;

    std::cout << "After what felt like thirty minutes of "
                 "walking you reached a wall. Yes, a wall.\n"
                 "A wall so tall and wide you couldn't imagine "
                 "climbing over it or walking around it.\n";
    std::cout << "Luckly, you see two animals willing to help you.\n"
                 "1) A mole that can build a tunnel under the wall\n"
                 "2) An eagle that can carry you over the wall\n";
    std::cout << "Enter 1 or 2 to make a choice: ";
    std::cin >> c1;

    while (!(std::cin >> c1) || c) {
        std::cout << "Error! Please enter a valid input!\n";
        std::cout << "Enter 1 or 2 to make a choice: ";
        std::cin >> c1;
        std::cout << "\n"

當您為int輸入無效輸入時,stream 進入失敗的 state 並且無法讀取更多輸入。 因此,您必須清除 stream 的錯誤 state 並忽略輸入 stream 中剩余的任何內容。

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

int main() {

    int c1;

    while (true)
        std::cout << "Enter 1 or 2 to make a choice: ";

        if ((std::cin >> c1) && (c1 == 1 || c1 == 2)) break;
        std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
        std::cout << "Error! Please enter a valid input!\n";

    // Now c1 is either 1 or 2 


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