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創建一個字典,以 current_date 作為鍵,值是當天代碼運行的次數 Python

[英]Create a dictionary with current_date as a key and value being how many times code run on that day Python

我需要創建一個字典列表,其中鍵是today's date ,值是代碼在today's date運行的次數。

如果我使用一個鍵和值對創建字典列表,我創建的 for 循環正是我需要的。 如下:

# Todays's date in variable
this_day_0 = date.today()

# Format the day to be like 20200420
this_day = this_day_0.strftime("%Y%m%d")

created_today = [{"20200419": 0]

for index, time_dict in enumerate(created_today):
    if this_day in time_dict.keys():
        time_dict[this_day] += 1
        time_dict[this_day] = 1        

因此,如果我今天在 4 月 20 日運行它,output 將是這樣的:

[{'20200419': 0, '20200420': 1}]

如果我再運行一次代碼,它會將 20200420 的值增加到 2。問題是我如何從created_today的空列表開始,因為在生產中,現有的created_today列表將被“20200419”覆蓋:0 我需要每天保存結果。 我想要的 output 將類似於以下內容:

[{'20200419': 0, '20200420': 2, '20200421': 1, '20200422': 1}] and so forth

這是一個使用json package 對字典進行反序列化和使用文件進行持久化的解決方案

import json
from datetime import date

    with open('file.json', 'r') as f:
        contents = f.read() or '{}'
    data = json.loads(contents)
except (FileNotFoundError, json.JSONDecodeError) as e:
    data = {}

key = date.today().strftime("%Y%m%d")
value = data.get(key, 0)
data[key] = value + 1

with open('file.json', 'w+') as f:
    print(json.dumps(data), file=f)

您可以使用 pickle 文件來保存字典:

import pickle

this_day_0 = date.today()

this_day = this_day_0.strftime("%Y%m%d")

created_today = [{"20200419": 0}]

#load pickle to dictionary
with open('dict.pickle', 'rb') as dicto:
    created_today = pickle.load(dicto)

for index, time_dict in enumerate(created_today):
    if this_day in time_dict.keys():
        time_dict[this_day] += 1
        time_dict[this_day] = 1 

#save to pickle file
with open('dict.pickle', 'wb') as dicto:
    pickle.dump(created_today, dicto, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)


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