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如何將 Python Boto3 中的 DynamoDB 掃描格式化為 html 可讀?

[英]How to format a DynamoDB scan in Python Boto3 to be human readable to html?

我有一個在 flask 中運行的 python boto3 應用程序。 主要目標是將列表檢索格式化為人類可讀的。 如:我希望列表返回為:

Employee Name        Employee ID
 Finn                  1001
 Jake                  1002
 Bubblegum             1003
 Marceline             1004
 BMO                   1005



[{'EmployeeID': Decimal('1007'), 'Employee Name': 'Lumpy Space Princess'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1021'), 'Employee Name': 'Glob'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1029'), 'Employee Name': 'Snail'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1038'), 'Employee Name': 'Banana Guard #216'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1010'), 'Employee Name': 'Martin Mertens'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1015'), 'Employee Name': 'Patience St. Pim'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1035'), 'Employee Name': 'Cinnamon Bun'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1002'), 'Employee Name': 'Jake'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1018'), 'Employee Name': 'GOLB'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1008'), 'Employee Name': 'Flame Princess'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1032'), 'Employee Name': 'Jermaine'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1014'), 'Employee Name': 'Earl of Lemongrab'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1022'), 'Employee Name': 'Grod'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1009'), 'Employee Name': 'Lady Rainicorn'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1034'), 'Employee Name': 'Margaret'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1023'), 'Employee Name': 'King of Mars'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1001'), 'Employee Name': 'Finn'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1025'), 'Employee Name': 'Tiny Manticore'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1005'), 'Employee Name': 'Marceline The Vampire Queen'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1005'), 'Employee Name': 'Marceline the Vampire Queen'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1017'), 'Employee Name': 'Uncle Gumbald'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1036'), 'Employee Name': 'Starchy'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1026'), 'Employee Name': 'Magic Man'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1037'), 'Employee Name': 'Banana Guard #1'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1011'), 'Employee Name': 'Betty Grof'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1012'), 'Employee Name': 'King of Ooo'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1030'), 'Employee Name': 'Huntress Wizard'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1006'), 'Employee Name': 'BMO'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1031'), 'Employee Name': 'Forest Spirit'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1016'), 'Employee Name': 'Fern'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1033'), 'Employee Name': 'Joshua '}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1003'), 'Employee Name': 'Bonnibel Bubblegum'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1024'), 'Employee Name': 'Death'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1020'), 'Employee Name': 'Gob'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1027'), 'Employee Name': 'Prismo'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1019'), 'Employee Name': 'Grob'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1028'), 'Employee Name': 'Gunter'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1013'), 'Employee Name': 'Hunson Abadeer'}]

它只是一個元素。 它既無序,又具有所有元數據。 我所有的谷歌搜索,我都找不到如何提取實際數據字段以格式化為 HTML 人類可讀兼容性的列表。


resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb',
    table = resource.Table('external-data')

    response = table.scan()
    data = response['Items']

while 'LastEvaluatedKey' in response:
response = table.scan(ExclusiveStartKey=response['LastEvaluatedKey'])

    ansExit = ''
    return str(data)

我嘗試創建一個列表並將每個響應作為一個元素附加,但這個響應只是一個元素。 我想我需要把它分解成一個數組,這樣我就可以將它打印到 HTML 作為 arr[i,j] where arr[1,1] = "1001", arr[1,2] = "Finn", arr [2,1] = “1002”,arr[2,2] = “傑克”,依此類推。 這是 go 的正確方向嗎? 我什至不確定這是否可能,或者這只是不是 DynamoDB 數據的讀取方式。



您可以使用pandas package:

import pandas as pd
from decimal import Decimal

data = [{'EmployeeID': Decimal('1007'), 'Employee Name': 'Lumpy Space Princess'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1021'), 'Employee Name': 'Glob'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1029'), 'Employee Name': 'Snail'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1038'), 'Employee Name': 'Banana Guard #216'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1010'), 'Employee Name': 'Martin Mertens'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1015'), 'Employee Name': 'Patience St. Pim'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1035'), 'Employee Name': 'Cinnamon Bun'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1002'), 'Employee Name': 'Jake'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1018'), 'Employee Name': 'GOLB'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1008'), 'Employee Name': 'Flame Princess'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1032'), 'Employee Name': 'Jermaine'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1014'), 'Employee Name': 'Earl of Lemongrab'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1022'), 'Employee Name': 'Grod'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1009'), 'Employee Name': 'Lady Rainicorn'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1034'), 'Employee Name': 'Margaret'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1023'), 'Employee Name': 'King of Mars'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1001'), 'Employee Name': 'Finn'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1025'), 'Employee Name': 'Tiny Manticore'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1005'), 'Employee Name': 'Marceline The Vampire Queen'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1005'), 'Employee Name': 'Marceline the Vampire Queen'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1017'), 'Employee Name': 'Uncle Gumbald'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1036'), 'Employee Name': 'Starchy'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1026'), 'Employee Name': 'Magic Man'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1037'), 'Employee Name': 'Banana Guard #1'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1011'), 'Employee Name': 'Betty Grof'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1012'), 'Employee Name': 'King of Ooo'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1030'), 'Employee Name': 'Huntress Wizard'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1006'), 'Employee Name': 'BMO'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1031'), 'Employee Name': 'Forest Spirit'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1016'), 'Employee Name': 'Fern'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1033'), 'Employee Name': 'Joshua '}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1003'), 'Employee Name': 'Bonnibel Bubblegum'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1024'), 'Employee Name': 'Death'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1020'), 'Employee Name': 'Gob'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1027'), 'Employee Name': 'Prismo'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1019'), 'Employee Name': 'Grob'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1028'), 'Employee Name': 'Gunter'}, {'EmployeeID': Decimal('1013'), 'Employee Name': 'Hunson Abadeer'}]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

您的 output 看起來像:

    EmployeeID  Employee Name
0   1007        Lumpy Space Princess
1   1021        Glob
2   1029        Snail
3   1038        Banana Guard #216
4   1010        Martin Mertens

如果需要,您甚至可以創建 HTML:



'<table border="1" class="dataframe">\n  <thead>\n    <tr style="text-align: right;">\n      <th></th>\n      <th>EmployeeID</th>\n      <th>Employee Name</th>\n    </tr>\n  </thead>\n  <tbody>\n    <tr>\n      <th>0</th>\n      <td>1007</td>\n      <td>Lumpy Space Princess</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>1</th>\n      <td>1021</td>\n      <td>Glob</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>2</th>\n      <td>1029</td>\n      <td>Snail</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>3</th>\n      <td>1038</td>\n      <td>Banana Guard #216</td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n      <th>4</th>\n      <td>1010</td>\n      <td>Martin Mertens</td>\n    </tr>\n  </tbody>\n</table>'


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