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[英]How to count the number of a user entered character in an array?

我有一個 Java 分配,我需要讀取一個字符,然后計算該字符在數組中出現的次數。 這就是我到目前為止所擁有的。

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class ArraySring
    public static void main(String args[])
        String userChar;

        userChar = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a character");

        String dow[] = {

        for(int x=0; x<7; x++) {
} // end ArrayStrings


避免使用char類型,因為它現在是legacy 該類型是在Unicode擴展超出其原始64K 限制之前發明的。 Unicode 現在定義了兩倍多的字符:Unicode 中的 143,859 個字符 13. 因此,當遇到超出基本多語言平面的字符(大約前 64,000 個字符)時,使用char將失敗


在現代 Java 中,我們應該使用代碼點編號而不是char值。

例如,讓我們假設在拼寫某些星期幾的名稱時使用了表情符號字符FACE WITH MEDICAL MASK 愚蠢,但適合演示。 Unicode 中的該字符分配給代碼點 128,567。

此代碼使用IntStream是在 Java 中表示一系列值的另一種方式。 作為初學者學習 Java 現在對你來說並不重要。 只要知道我們可以通過調用string.codePoints().toArray()從 stream 提供的一系列值中創建一個數組。 我們最終得到一個int integer 數字數組。 每個int integer 數字是String文本中字符的代碼點。

String userCharacter = "😷";
String strings[] = { "M😷nday" , "Tuesd😷y" , "Wednesday" };

int count = 0;
for ( String string : strings )                                                          // Loop through the day-of-week names.
    IntStream codePoints = string.codePoints();                                          // Get a stream of `int` integer numbers, the Unicode code point number for each character in the string.
    int[] ints = codePoints.toArray();                                                   // Convert stream to an array.
    for ( int i : ints )                                                                 // Loop through each number, each code point.
        System.out.println( "i  = " + i + " character: " + Character.toString( i ) );    // Debugging. Dump values to the console.
        if ( i == userCharacter.codePointAt( 0 ) )                                       // Compare this nth number (the code point of the nth character in the day-of-week name) against the code point number of the character given by the user.
            System.out.println( "Hit.") ;                                                // Debugging.
            count++;                                                                     // If they match, increment our counter.


System.out.println( "count = " + count );                                                // Dump to console.
System.out.println( "userCharacter.codePointAt( 0 ): " + userCharacter.codePointAt( 0 ) );


i  = 77 character: M
i  = 128567 character: 😷 
i  = 110 character: n
i  = 100 character: d
i  = 97 character: a
i  = 121 character: y
i  = 84 character: T
i  = 117 character: u
i  = 101 character: e
i  = 115 character: s
i  = 100 character: d
i  = 128567 character: 😷
i  = 121 character: y
i  = 87 character: W
i  = 101 character: e
i  = 100 character: d
i  = 110 character: n
i  = 101 character: e
i  = 115 character: s
i  = 100 character: d
i  = 97 character: a
i  = 121 character: y
count = 2
userCharacter.codePointAt( 0 ): 128567


這里是 go:

public static void main(String args[]) {
    char userChar = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a character").toLowerCase().charAt(0);
    int count = 0;
    String dow[] = // ...

    for (String str : dow)
        for (char ch : str.toLowerCase().toCharArray())
            if (ch == userChar)


巴茲爾的回應很好,感謝您的全面描述。 接受 Basil 關於使用代碼點而不是字符的建議,除此之外,使用一些 stream 處理也將解決方案轉換為:

public static void main(String args[]) {
        int inputCodePoint = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a character").toLowerCase().codePointAt(0);
        String dow[] = {

                             .flatMap(s -> Arrays.stream(s.split("")))
                             .filter(s -> s.equals(Character.toString(inputCodePoint)))

這利用了JDK 11中添加的Character.toString(int)


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