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Javascript 使用正則表達式在不同的特定字符處拆分字符串

[英]Javascript with Regex to split string at different specific characters


Name=(Last, First), Age=(31 year, 6 months, 3 day), Height= 6.1 ft, Employment=None, Email Address =/NA/, Mobile=XXXX


Name: "(Last, First)"
Age: "(31 year, 6 months, 3 day)"
Height: " 6.1 ft"

我遇到了這篇文章並嘗試對其進行調整,但可以使用帶/不帶“()”的鍵使其工作。 這是代碼或來自此鏈接 感謝您的幫助,並隨時提出更簡單或替代的方法。

 txt="Name=(Last, First), Age=(31 year, 6 months, 3 day), Height= 6.1 ft, Employment=None, Email Address =/NA/, Mobile=XXXX" //var r = /.+?=.+?(?=(\([^)]+\),)|(.=)|$)/g; //var r = /.+?=.+?(?=(=(.*),)|$)/g; var r = /.+?=.+?(?=(\),)|(\d\b,)|$)/g; var obj = txt.match(r).reduce(function(obj, match) { var keyValue = match.split("="); obj[keyValue[0].replace(/,\s/g, '')] = keyValue[1]; return obj; }, {}); console.log(obj);


  • (\w+) - 匹配並捕獲屬性(一個或多個單詞字符)
  • \s*=\s* - 后跟可選空格、a =和更多可選空格
  • (\([^)]+\)|[^,]+) - 匹配並捕獲:
    • \([^)]+\) - A ( ,后跟非)字符,后跟) ,或
    • [^,]+ - 非逗號字符

 const str = 'Name=(Last, First), Age=(31 year, 6 months, 3 day), Height= 6.1 ft, Employment=None, Email Address =/NA/, Mobile=XXXX'; const obj = {}; for (const [, prop, val] of str.matchAll(/(\w+)\s*=\s*(\([^)]+\)|[^,]+)/g)) { obj[prop] = val; } console.log(obj);

如果輸入鍵也可能包含空格,則匹配除 a =之外的任何內容:

 const str = 'Employee Name=(Last, First), Person Age=(31 year, 6 months, 3 day), Height= 6.1 ft, Employment=None, Email Address =/NA/, Mobile=XXXX'; const obj = {}; for (const [, prop, val] of str.matchAll(/(\w[^=]+)\s*=\s*(\([^)]+\)|[^,]+)/g)) { obj[prop] = val; } console.log(obj);

如果您不能使用matchAll ,則使用exec手動迭代匹配項:

 const str = 'Name=(Last, First), Age=(31 year, 6 months, 3 day), Height= 6.1 ft, Employment=None, Email Address =/NA/, Mobile=XXXX'; const obj = {}; const pattern = /(\w+)\s*=\s*(\([^)]+\)|[^,]+)/g; let match; while (match = pattern.exec(str)) { const [, prop, val] = match; obj[prop] = val; } console.log(obj);


 var txt = "Name=(Last, First), Age=(31 year, 6 months, 3 day), Height= 6.1 ft, Employment=None, Email Address =/NA/, Mobile=XXXX" var map = {}; var parts = txt.split(/,\s*(?;[^(]*\))/). parts,forEach(function (item. index) { map[item.split(/=/)[0]] = item;split(/=/)[1]; }). console;log(map);


,\s*         match comma with optional whitespace
(?![^(]*\))  assert that we cannot lookahead and see a closing ) without
             first seeing an opening (

前瞻條件可防止匹配出現在(...)項內的逗號。 然后,一旦我們有了術語數組,我們就迭代並構建您想要的字典,將每個術語拆分為=以找到鍵和值。


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