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[英]Count Rows in a Specific range

我正在編寫一個命令來復制和粘貼基於單元格值的選擇。 請參閱下面的示例代碼。

我正在努力的是輸入目的地,然后將數據輸入到下面的行中。 function批量使用時有效,但重復使用時會覆蓋第34行已有的數據,然后繼續覆蓋下面的行。

什么最適合這個目的? counta 命令還是 row.count? 如果是這樣,我將如何寫它?

Sub x115()

Dim r As Long, endRow As Long, pasteRowIndex As Long, y As Range

endRow = 31 ' last row

pasteRowIndex = 34 ' Entry Row but the range needs to be between B34 and B64

Set y = ActiveSheet.Range("B:M")

For r = 1 To endRow 'Loop through activesheet and search for 115
    If Cells(r, "B").Value = 115 Then 'Found

        'Copy the current row

        Intersect(y, Rows(r)).Copy Cells(pasteRowIndex, 2)
        Intersect(y, Rows(r)).ClearContents

        pasteRowIndex = pasteRowIndex + 1

End If

Next r

End Sub

要動態獲取LastRow ,對於 A 列:

Dim LastRow As Long

LastRow = Sheets.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row.
' the 1 in Cells(Row.Count, 1) indicates column 1 which is  A

如果我理解正確,您希望將 115 值插入到 B 列的下一個空白行,您可以像這樣分配pasteRowIndex

Dim pasteRowIndex As Long

pasteRowIndex = Sheets.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row.
' the 2 in Cells(Row.Count, 1) indicates column 1 which is B

如果pasteRowIndex必須在第 34 行和第 64 行之間,則放入If...Then...Else語句。 就像是:

If pasteRowIndex < 34 Or pasteRowIndex > 64 Then
    MsgBox "PasteRowIndex =" & pasteRowIndex  & vbNewLine & "It must be between rows 34 and 64."
    Exit Sub
    'Continue with procedure.
End If

與 static 系列相同的原理:

Dim pasteRowIndex As Long

pasteRowIndex = Sheets.Cells(64, 2).End(xlUp).Row.
'You could change Cells(64, 2) with Range("B64") too.


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