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如何讓這個 python 運行程序?

[英]How do I make this python run program?

class Pet(object):
        Object that contains attributes relating to pets

        __init__: initializes a new object
        __str__: prints an object
        is_heavier: compares two pets' weights. Return True if self is heavier
        than second, otherwise returns False.
        is_older: compares two pets' ages. Returns true if self is older
        than second, otherwise returns False.
        Same_colour: compares two pets' colours. Returns True if colours match
        Returns False if Colours don't match.

        species: str of type of pet IE "dog" or "giraffe"
        name: str listing the name of your pet IE "Joy" (She's a dog")
        weight: float the weight of the pet in killograms
        height: float the height of the pet in centimetres
        age: int the age of the pet in years.
    def __init__(self, name, animal_type, age, weight, height):
        self.__name = name
        self.__animal_type = animal_type
        self.__age = age
        self.__heavier = weight
        self.__taller = height

    def set_name(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    def set_type(self, animal_type):
        self.__animal_type = animal_type

    def set_age(self, age):
        self.__age = age

    def get_name(self):
        return self.__name

    def get_animal_type(self):
        return self.__animal_type

    def get__age(self):
        return self.__age

    def get__heavier(self,heavier):
        return self.__weight

    def get__taller(self, taller):
        return self.__height

def main():
    name = input('What is the name of the pet: ')
    animal_type = input('What type of pet is it: ')
    age = int(input('How old is your pet: '))
    pets = Pet(name, animal_type, age)
    heavier = int(input('How much does your pet weight?: ')

    print('This will be added to the records.')
    print('Here is the data you entered: ')
    print('Pet Name: ', pets.get_name())
    print('Animal Type: ', pets.get_animal_type())
    print('Age: ', pets.get__age())
    print('Kg: ', pets.get__heavier())


所以這應該在上周四之前完成,我仍在做這個作業,因為它被隔離了,所以我的老師不能真正幫助我完成這項工作,我有點想通了,但它一直給我一個諸如“打印”之類的代碼錯誤位置的錯誤是錯誤的或類似的東西。 我認為這段代碼有問題,我無法弄清楚這段代碼為什么或有什么問題。 請各位大神幫我解釋一下好嗎?

標題不允許我自己制作,所以我必須選擇那個。 不是我的錯: :)

  1. 您在啟動時忘記將所有參數傳遞給 Pet class
  2. get__heavierget__taller使用了不存在的變量


class Pet(object):
        Object that contains attributes relating to pets

        __init__: initializes a new object
        __str__: prints an object
        is_heavier: compares two pets' weights. Return True if self is heavier
        than second, otherwise returns False.
        is_older: compares two pets' ages. Returns true if self is older
        than second, otherwise returns False.
        Same_colour: compares two pets' colours. Returns True if colours match
        Returns False if Colours don't match.

        species: str of type of pet IE "dog" or "giraffe"
        name: str listing the name of your pet IE "Joy" (She's a dog")
        weight: float the weight of the pet in killograms
        height: float the height of the pet in centimetres
        age: int the age of the pet in years.

    def __init__(self, name, animal_type, age, weight, height):
        self.__name = name
        self.__animal_type = animal_type
        self.__age = age
        self.__heavier = weight
        self.__taller = height

    def set_name(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    def set_type(self, animal_type):
        self.__animal_type = animal_type

    def set_age(self, age):
        self.__age = age

    def get_name(self):
        return self.__name

    def get_animal_type(self):
        return self.__animal_type

    def get__age(self):
        return self.__age

    def get__heavier(self):
        return self.__heavier

    def get__taller(self):
        return self.__taller

def main():
    name = input('What is the name of the pet: ')
    animal_type = input('What type of pet is it: ')
    age = int(input('How old is your pet: '))
    weight = int(input('How much does your pet weight?: '))
    height = int(input('How much does your pet height?: '))
    pets = Pet(name, animal_type, age, weight, height)

    print('This will be added to the records.')
    print('Here is the data you entered: ')
    print('Pet Name: ', pets.get_name())
    print('Animal Type: ', pets.get_animal_type())
    print('Age: ', pets.get__age())
    print('Kg: ', pets.get__heavier())


我認為錯誤是您基於否或論點產生的。 如果你觀察你的代碼

def __init__(self, name, animal_type, age, weight, height):
        self.__name = name
        self.__animal_type = animal_type
        self.__age = age
        self.__heavier = weight
        self.__taller = height

總共需要 5 個參數,而您只傳遞了 3 個參數

pets = Pet(name, animal_type, age)


pets = Pet(name, animal_type, age,weight,height)


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