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如何使用 python 在 git 存儲庫中獲取當前分支名稱

[英]How to get name current bramch name in a git repository using python

這是使用 ssh 鍵在 git 中獲取當前分支名稱的腳本

URL = raw_input('Enter the ssh git URL: ')
print URL
from pygit2 import Repository
repo = Repository(URL)

# option 1
head = repo.head
print("Head is " + head.name)

# option 2
head = repo.lookup_reference('HEAD').resolve()
print("Head is " + head.name)

錯誤:顯示未找到存儲庫。請幫助獲取 git 存儲庫中的當前分支名稱

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Clone.py", line 28, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygit2/repository.py", line 1184, in __init__
    path_backend = init_file_backend(path)
_pygit2.GitError: Repository not found at git@gitlab.com:Manoj.ck/sampleproject.git

GitPython 教程中所見,克隆將是:

from git import Repo

cloned_repo = repo.clone("<url>")


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