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更新 HTML Object 數據

[英]Update HTML Object Data

我對 HTML 相當陌生,我正在嘗試制作一個不斷讀取文本文件的 HTML 頁面,這樣當文本文件的內容發生更改時,HTML 頁面也會更改以反映它。 我當前的代碼如下;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>File Contents</title>
<h1>File contents of input.txt<br>Below are the contents of the file input.txt, in the same directory as this file</h1>
<div><object data="Input.txt"></object></div>


有沒有辦法只用 HTML 和 Javascript 來做到這一點?

此腳本將每 10 秒(10000 毫秒)重新加載<object>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>File Contents</title>
<h1>File contents of input.txt<br>Below are the contents of the file input.txt, in the same directory as this file</h1>
<div><object data="Input.txt"></object></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
setInterval(() => {
    let obj = document.getElementsByTagName('object')[0];
    obj.setAttribute('data', obj.getAttribute('data'));
}, 10000);


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