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基於 TypeScript 中具有區分聯合的其他參數推斷 function 參數的類型

[英]Infering type of function argument based on other argument with discriminated union in TypeScript

我有一個描述事件類型的有區別的聯合。 然后我有addEventHandler function ,它將事件 ID 作為第一個參數,將事件回調作為第二個參數。 事件 ID 字段是聯合類型的鑒別器。

interface TestEventA {
  id: 'TestEventA';
  payload: null;

interface TestEventB {
  id: 'TestEventB';
  payload: TestEventBPayload;
interface TestEventBPayload {
  content: string;

interface TestEventC {
  id: 'TestEventC';
  payload: TestEventCPayload;
interface TestEventCPayload {
  value: number;

type TestEvent = (TestEventA | TestEventB | TestEventC);

function addEventHandler<T extends TestEvent['id']>(eventId: T, listener: (data: (TestEvent & { id: T })) => void) {
  eventEmitter.on(eventId, listener);

addEventHandler('TestEventC', (event) => {
  // I want event to be of type TestEventC, but instead it is of type
  // (TestEventA & { id: "TestEventC"; }) | (TestEventB & { id: "TestEventC"; }) | (TestEventC & { id: "TestEventC"; })

  // event.payload: Object is possibly 'null'
  // Property 'value' does not exist on type 'TestEventBPayload | TestEventCPayload'

  if (event.id === 'TestEventC') { // redundant condition
    console.log(event.payload.value); // No error here

如何使addEventHandler回調 function 推斷事件的類型?

作為一種解決方法,您可以創建一個將事件 ID 映射到有效負載的接口,例如:

interface TestEventBPayload {
  content: string;

interface TestEventCPayload {
  value: number;

interface Events {
  TestEventA: null,
  TestEventB: TestEventBPayload,
  TestEventC: TestEventCPayload

function addEventHandler<TId extends keyof Events>(
  eventId: TId,
  listener: (data: Events[TId] & { id: TId }) => void
): void {
  eventEmitter.on(eventId, listener);

addEventHandler('TestEventC', (event) => {

  if (event.id === 'TestEventC') {



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