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如何在不影響實際文檔的情況下修改 ZCCADCDEDB567ABAE643E15DCF0974E503Z 中的查詢結果?

[英]How can I modify the resulting query in Mongoose without affecting the actual document?

狀態(截至 2020 年 5 月 6 日):已解決,請參閱下面確定的答案。

盡管我們現在正在經歷全球危機,但我希望一切都好。 我目前正在做一個學校 web 項目,需要渲染分配給我的特定功能。 我正在使用Mongoose和 Express 和 Handlebars 進行模板。 請參閱隨附的 model 架構和下面的說明。

學院模型- 集合 A

var collegeSchema = new Schema({
    shortName: {type: String},  //value that I intend to synchronously query its occurrence with Collection B
    longName: {type: String},
    logo: {type: String},
        telNum: {type: String},
        faxNum: {type: String},
        email: {type: String}
    aboutUs: {type: Array},
    visionMission: {type: String},
    coreValues: {type: String},
    goals: {type: String},
    founderBio: {type: String},
    philosophy: {type: String},
    icon: {type: String}

教授模型- 集合 B

var professorSchema = new Schema({
    profNumber: {type: Int32},
    college: {type: String},    //value to be compared with shortName
    gender: {type: String},
    profName: {type: String},
    profCourse: {type: String}

偽代碼- 要實現的所需邏輯

app.get('/testCount', function(req,res) {
        var collegeObject = [];
            professorModel.countDocuments({college:document.shortName}, function(err2,professorCount){
                document.count = professorCount;
                collegeObject.push(document);   //doing a console.log(collegeObject) would return empty objects [].

我不知道我做錯了什么,而且我知道 document.count 存在,因為每次我執行 console.log(document.count) 時它都會返回一個值,但是當它被推送時它變成 []。 希望你能幫助我實現我的目標。 謝謝!


解決此問題的一種方法是使用async/await (Node.js >= 7.6.0)

app.get('/testCount', async function(req, res) { // note the async keyword
  const collegeRes = await collegeModel.find({}).lean().exec() // .exec() returns a Promise, so you can `await` it.
  const resultPromises = collegeRes.map(async college => { // arrow function is equivalent to function in this context
    const professorCount = await professorModel.countDocuments({ college: college.shortName })
    college.count = professorCount
    return college
  const collegeObject = await Promise.all(resultPromises)

使用bluebirdPromise.map更具可讀性,或者您也可以使用其他 promise 實用程序庫

  const collegeObject = await Promise.map(collegeRes, college => {
    const professorCount = await professorModel.countDocuments({ college: college.shortName })
    college.count = professorCount
    return college


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