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NASM 分段錯誤(核心轉儲)

[英]NASM Segmentation fault (core dumped)

所以,我想創建一個允許用戶輸入矩陣 4x5 的程序。 我聲明了指向特定行的“指針”和指向這些指針的“指針”,以便使用一個指針訪問每個字符串。 我創建了字符串,因為我想檢查這些字符串中的符號(用戶只能輸入數字和 + 或 - 作為第一個符號)。 因此,當我檢查第一個符號(這個符號應該是 + 或 -)並且如果用戶沒有輸入 + 或 - 我看到分段錯誤(核心轉儲)時,我遇到了問題。 我使用 Ubuntu。 (英語不是我的母語,如果我犯了錯誤,請不要擔心)))。

; Task: write a program that allows to enter 2-D array 4x5. Show only 2 first columns.
;   # # # # #  
;   # # # # #
;   # # # # #
;   # # # # # 

section .bss ; The section intended for uninitilizated data
    string_00 resb 7
    string_01 resb 7
    string_02 resb 7
    string_03 resb 7
    string_04 resb 7

    string_10 resb 7
    string_11 resb 7
    string_12 resb 7
    string_13 resb 7
    string_14 resb 7

    string_20 resb 7
    string_21 resb 7
    string_22 resb 7
    string_23 resb 7
    string_24 resb 7

    string_30 resb 7
    string_31 resb 7
    string_32 resb 7
    string_33 resb 7
    string_34 resb 7

section .data ; The section designed for using initilizated data
    GreenColor db 0x1b, '[32m' ; The string that can change text color to green
    lenGreenColor equ $ - GreenColor ; The lenth of this string

    RedColor db 0x1b, '[31m' ; The string that can change text color to red (used if user will enter incorrect data)
    lenRedColor equ $ - RedColor ; The lenth of this string

    Task db 'This program allows you to enter matrix 4x5 and show only 2 first colums.', 0xa ; Just a string that shows my task
    lenTask equ $ - Task ; The lenth of this string

    Warning db 'Enter 16-bit numbers (from -32767 to +32768) and enter the sign of number, please.', 0xa ; Warning, I chose 16-bit number because the bigger
    lenWarning equ $ - Warning ; The lenth of this string                                                ; numbers will be processed in the same way, but long
                                                                                                         ; numbers are not necessary    

    ErrorSign db 'You should use the sign of the number ( + or - )!', 0xa ; An error message to user if he did not use the number sign
    lenErrorSing equ $ - ErrorSign ; THe lenth of this message

    pointer_0 dd string_00, string_01, string_02, string_03, string_04
    pointer_1 dd string_10, string_11, string_12, string_13, string_14
    pointer_2 dd string_20, string_21, string_22, string_23, string_24
    pointer_3 dd string_30, string_31, string_32, string_33, string_34

    pointer dd pointer_0, pointer_1, pointer_2, pointer_3

    external_counter db 0
    internal_counter db 0

section .text
    global _start
    mov edx, lenGreenColor
    mov ecx, GreenColor
    call _print

    mov edx, lenTask
    mov ecx, Task
    call _print

    mov edx, lenWarning
    mov ecx, Warning
    call _print

    call _check

    mov ebx, 0
    mov eax, 1
    int 0x80

    mov ebx, 1
    mov eax, 4
    int 0x80

    mov edx, 7
    mov ebx, 0
    mov eax, 3
    int 0x80

        mov eax, [pointer]
        mov ebx, [external_counter]
        mov esi, [eax + ebx * 4]

                mov ebx, [internal_counter]

                add ebx, ebx
                add ebx, ebx
                add ebx, ebx

                add esi, ebx
                mov ecx, esi
                call _enter

                cmp [esi], byte 43
                je norm_sign
                cmp [esi], byte 45
                je norm_sign

                xor esi, esi
                xor eax, eax
                xor ebx, ebx
                xor ecx, ecx
                xor edx, edx

                jmp _check

你有mov ebx, [external_counter]但也有external_counter db 0 由於ebx是一個 32 位寄存器,因此將從external_counter讀取 4 個字節。 問題是external_counter只有 1 個字節長。 這意味着您要將 3 個垃圾字節拉入ebx ,當您執行mov esi, [eax + ebx * 4]時,這將使您超出范圍。 改為執行external_counter dd 0 (而且看起來你對internal_counter也犯了同樣的錯誤。)


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