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在 PageFactory (Selenium+Java) 中獲取 NPE NullPointerException

[英]Getting NPE NullPointerException in PageFactory (Selenium+Java)

我正在嘗試為我的測試框架實現頁面工廠模式,但是在嘗試訪問元素或與元素交互時我得到了 NPE。 順便說一句,我正在使用 Spring 依賴注入在測試之間共享 WebDriver 實例(而不是構造函數),所以我在非靜態塊中實現了 PageFactory initElements()以便能夠訪問它。 順便說一句,沒有 PageFactory(沒有 @FindBy 和評論的項目)它工作得很好。 這是我的 PO.class 代碼:

public class HomePage extends BasePage {
  private DatabasesPage databasesPage;
  private UserAccountsPage userAccountsPage;

  public static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(HomePage.class.getName());
  private String themeLabelColorHex = "#235a81";
  private Select themeList;

 /* private By databasesHeaderButton = By.cssSelector("#topmenu > li:nth-child(1)"),
             userAccountsHeaderButton = By.cssSelector("#topmenu > li:nth-child(4)"),
             languagesDropdown = By.id("sel-lang"),
             themeDropdown = By.name("set_theme"),
             themeLabel = By.xpath("//*[@id='li_select_theme']//a");*/

  @FindBy(how = How.CSS, css = "#topmenu > li:nth-child(1)")  private WebElement databasesHeaderButton;
  @FindBy(how = How.CSS, css = "#topmenu > li:nth-child(4)")  private WebElement userAccountsHeaderButton;
  @FindBy(how = How.ID, id = "sel-lang") private WebElement languagesDropdown;
  @FindBy(how = How.NAME, name = "set_theme") private WebElement themeDropdown;
  @FindBy(how = How.XPATH, xpath = "//*[@id='li_select_theme']//a") private WebElement themeLabel;

    System.out.println("**************** THIS IS A NON-STATIC FIELD REACHED BY DEP INJ ****************");

  public HomePage openUp() {
    String propertiesPath = get(System.getProperty("user.dir"),
      "src", "main", "java", "base", "configuration", "config.properties").normalize().toString();

    try {
      Properties properties = new Properties();
      properties.load(new FileInputStream(propertiesPath));
      String url = properties.getProperty("url");

    catch ( IOException e) {
      log.error("Properties file is not found");
      log.error("\n " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));

    return this;

  public DatabasesPage goToDatabasesPage() {
    return databasesPage;

  public UserAccountsPage goToUserAccountsPage() {
    return userAccountsPage;

  public HomePage changeLanguage(String langValue) {
    try {
      Select langList = new Select(languagesDropdown);
      String currentLang = langList.getFirstSelectedOption().getAttribute("value");
      if (langValue.equalsIgnoreCase(currentLang)) log.warn("Desired language is already selected!");
      else langList.selectByValue(langValue);
    catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));

    return this;

  public HomePage changeTheme(String themeValue) {
    try {
      themeList = new Select(themeDropdown);
      String currentTheme = themeList.getFirstSelectedOption().getAttribute("value");

      if (themeValue.equalsIgnoreCase(currentTheme))
        log.warn("Desired theme is already selected!");
      else {
        themeLabelColorHex = "#0000ff";
    catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));

    return this;

  public HomePage setDefaultTheme() {
    themeList = new Select(themeDropdown);
    themeLabelColorHex = "#235a81";
    return this;

  public boolean isLanguageChanged() {
    return true; // TO DO

  public boolean isThemeChanged() {
    String RGBColor = themeLabel.getCssValue("color"); // I'm getting NPE here somehow
    String HexColor = Color.fromString(RGBColor).asHex();

    return HexColor.equalsIgnoreCase(themeLabelColorHex);



  @Description("Change website theme")
  public void changeWebsiteTheme() {
    assertThat(true).isEqualTo(homePage.isThemeChanged()); // and it fails here but it didn't perform previous step - changeTheme();


enter code here

要啟動在構造函數中編寫的 PageFactory,它必須通過創建 class 的 object 來啟動。 幫助我實現了這一目標。


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