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[英]Why Am I getting this “document is not defined” error?

我正在創建一個類似應用程序的表單,用戶可以在其中輸入文本並按下按鈕,用戶輸入的測試將通過電子郵件發送給我。 我為此使用了 EmailJS,我的代碼如下:

"use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
    var EmailJSResponseStatus_1 = require("./models/EmailJSResponseStatus");
    exports.EmailJSResponseStatus = EmailJSResponseStatus_1.EmailJSResponseStatus;
    var UI_1 = require("./services/ui/UI");
    var _userID = null;
    var _origin = 'https://api.emailjs.com';
    function sendPost(url, data, headers) {
        if (headers === void 0) { headers = {}; }
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            xhr.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
                var responseStatus = new EmailJSResponseStatus_1.EmailJSResponseStatus(event.target);
                if (responseStatus.status === 200 || responseStatus.text === 'OK') {
                else {
            xhr.addEventListener('error', function (event) {
                reject(new EmailJSResponseStatus_1.EmailJSResponseStatus(event.target));
            xhr.open('POST', url, true);
            for (var key in headers) {
                xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
    function appendGoogleCaptcha(templatePrams) {
        var element = document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response');
        if (element && element.value) {
            templatePrams['g-recaptcha-response'] = element.value;
        element = null;
        return templatePrams;
     * Initiation
     * @param {string} userID - set the EmailJS user ID
     * @param {string} origin - set the EmailJS origin
    function init(userID, origin) {
        _userID = userID;
        _origin = origin || 'https://api.emailjs.com';
    exports.init = init;
     * Send a template to the specific EmailJS service
     * @param {string} serviceID - the EmailJS service ID
     * @param {string} templateID - the EmailJS template ID
     * @param {Object} templatePrams - the template params, what will be set to the EmailJS template
     * @param {string} userID - the EmailJS user ID
     * @returns {Promise<EmailJSResponseStatus>}
    function send(serviceID, templateID, templatePrams, userID) {
        var params = {
            lib_version: '2.4.1',
            user_id: userID || _userID,
            service_id: serviceID,
            template_id: templateID,
            template_params: appendGoogleCaptcha(templatePrams)
        return sendPost(_origin + '/api/v1.0/email/send', JSON.stringify(params), {
            'Content-type': 'application/json'
    exports.send = send;
     * Send a form the specific EmailJS service
     * @param {string} serviceID - the EmailJS service ID
     * @param {string} templateID - the EmailJS template ID
     * @param {string | HTMLFormElement} form - the form element or selector
     * @param {string} userID - the EmailJS user ID
     * @returns {Promise<EmailJSResponseStatus>}
    function sendForm(serviceID, templateID, form, userID) {
        if (typeof form === 'string') {
            form = document.querySelector(form);
        if (!form || form.nodeName !== 'FORM') {
            throw 'Expected the HTML form element or the style selector of form';
        var formData = new FormData(form);
        formData.append('lib_version', '2.4.1');
        formData.append('service_id', serviceID);
        formData.append('template_id', templateID);
        formData.append('user_id', userID || _userID);
        return sendPost(_origin + '/api/v1.0/email/send-form', formData)
            .then(function (response) {
            return response;
        }, function (error) {
            return Promise.reject(error);
    exports.sendForm = sendForm;
    exports.default = {
        init: init,
        send: send,
        sendForm: sendForm

但是,當我運行它時,收到“文檔未定義”錯誤“。另外,我正在調用 function emailjs.send() function send() 在上面的代碼中定義,它說“文檔未定義” . 他們所指的文檔在 appendGoogleCaptcha() function 中,這與發送 email 有關。

我的理論是我需要定義 window 屬性,以便它知道它試圖找到的整個頁面的哪個文檔。 我做了 window.onload = function() {} 但這使得其中的所有函數都說“xyz 不存在”。 任何反饋將不勝感激


function appendGoogleCaptcha(templatePrams) {
    var element = document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response');


function sendForm(serviceID, templateID, form, userID) {
    if (typeof form === 'string') {
        form = document.querySelector(form);

你不能這樣做, document在本機反應中不存在。 您可以通過引用替換它,但是如果此代碼不是為 react-native 編寫的,那么您將來可能會遇到更多問題。


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