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[英]Cumulocity Data Types Handling

如何在 Cumulocity IoT Cloud 中處理不同的數據類型? Things like: Double - Double precision floating-point value in accordance to IEEE754 Float - Single precision floating-point value in accordance to IEEE754 Decimal - Decimal with arbitrary precision Long - Signed 64bit integer value Int - Signed 32bit integer value Short - Signed 16bit integer值字節 - 有符號 8 位 integer 值

Cumulocity 嘗試保存它所呈現的數據,直到它可以容納 64 位。 If it receive an integer which can fit in 32 bits C8Y will store it that way, similarly if it's an integer which is too big for 32 bits but fits in 64 bits then it is stored as a 64-bit integer. 否則使用 IEEE 754 64 位二進制浮點數。 對文檔的一些參考: https://cumulocity.com/guides/reference/measurements/#measurement v10.6.0


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