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git 在分支和合並中分離頭

[英]git detach head in branch & merge

I was learning some git related topics and commands, this scenario occurred when i was using combination of git and GitHub features, using git push and changing file at github at the same time, I have created 2 branches ( jsfirst and imagegallery ) Just want to了解出了什么問題,我正在嘗試分析並打算在重要項目中不再重復

編輯為什么564903c (imagegallery) Image gallery分支在圖形視圖中斷開連接?

HEAD@{0}, HEAD@{1}, HEAD@{2}, HEAD@{3}是什么意思?

git git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph命令

*   76ebb92 (HEAD -> master) Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of https://github.com/sometest/test
| * 4f264fe (origin/master) Created CONTRIBUTING.md
| *   1159fe3 Merge pull request #3 from sometest/code_of_conduct-patch-2
| |\  
| | * a7184f0 (origin/code_of_conduct-patch-2) Updated code of conduct
| |/  
| *   4369922 Merge pull request #2 from sometest/code_of_conduct-patch-1
| |\  
| | * 1893331 (origin/code_of_conduct-patch-1) Created CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
| |/  
| * b3fbde0 Created .gitignore
| *   6275e91 Merge pull request #1 from sometest/add-license-1
| |\  
| | * 38d02c5 (origin/add-license-1) Create LICENSE
| |/  
* | cc0cdad (jsfirst) Silly story
* | a52170c Using events in JS
* | c271cdd Added number guessing game
* | 493a155 Learned basic of JS
| * 564903c (imagegallery) Image gallery
* 25266ce first commit

git reflog命令的 Output

76ebb92 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD
76ebb92 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from 564903c3078ffdbdbd43bceb3da3495daddf82da to master
564903c (imagegallery) HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from master to 564903c
76ebb92 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from imagegallery to master
564903c (imagegallery) HEAD@{4}: checkout: moving from master to imagegallery
76ebb92 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{5}: pull: Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
cc0cdad (jsfirst) HEAD@{6}: checkout: moving from imagegallery to master
564903c (imagegallery) HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from master to imagegallery
cc0cdad (jsfirst) HEAD@{8}: reset: moving to cc0cdad
25266ce HEAD@{9}: checkout: moving from imagegallery to master
564903c (imagegallery) HEAD@{10}: checkout: moving from master to imagegallery
25266ce HEAD@{11}: checkout: moving from imagegallery to master
564903c (imagegallery) HEAD@{12}: checkout: moving from master to imagegallery
25266ce HEAD@{13}: checkout: moving from jsfirst to master
cc0cdad (jsfirst) HEAD@{14}: checkout: moving from imagegallery to jsfirst
564903c (imagegallery) HEAD@{15}: commit: Image gallery
25266ce HEAD@{16}: checkout: moving from master to imagegallery
25266ce HEAD@{17}: checkout: moving from jsfirst to master
cc0cdad (jsfirst) HEAD@{18}: commit: Silly story
a52170c HEAD@{19}: checkout: moving from master to jsfirst
25266ce HEAD@{20}: checkout: moving from jsfirst to master
a52170c HEAD@{21}: commit: Using events in JS
c271cdd HEAD@{22}: commit: Added number guessing game
493a155 HEAD@{23}: commit: Learned basic of JS
25266ce HEAD@{24}: checkout: moving from master to jsfirst
25266ce HEAD@{25}: commit (initial): first commit

Git 命令歷史

 4221  git init
 4222  git add README.md
 4223  git commit -m "first commit"
 4224  git remote add origin https://github.com/sometest/sometest.git
 4225  git push -u origin master
 4233  git checkout -b jsfirst
 4235  git add chapter-1/hello.html
 4236  git add README.md
 4238  git commit -m "Learned basic of JS"
 4241  git add chapter-1/numberguessinggame.html
 4242  git commit -m "Added number guessing game"
 4247  git add chapter-1/basic2/*
 4249  git commit -m "Using events in JS" 
 4258  git add assessment-1/sillystorygenerator/*
 4259  git commit -m "Silly story" 
 4262  git checkout master
 4265  git add assessment-1/imagegallery/*
 4266  git reset assessment-1/imagegallery
 4270  git checkout -b imagegallery
 4273  git add assessment-1/imagegallery
 4274  git commit -m "Image gallery" .
 4280  git checkout jsfirst
 4284  git checkout master
 4285  git merge --squash jsfirst
 4287  git checkout imagegallery
 4296  git merge --squash imagegallery
 4297  git checkout master
 4298  git merge --squash imagegallery
 4305  git merge --squash imagegallery
 4312  git reset --hard cc0cdad
 4319  git checkout imagegallery
 4323  git checkout master
 4326  git pull 
 4333  git checkout imagegallery
 4342  git checkout master
 4343  git merge --squash imagegallery
 4345  git merge imagegallery
 4366* git chekout 564903c
 4371* git commit -a -m "Image Gallery"
 4372* git checkout master
 4376* git commit -a -m "Image Gallery Detach HEAD"
 4379* git reset --hard\n


HEAD@{0} , HEAD@{1} , HEAD@{2} , HEAD@{3}是什么意思?

HEAD@{n}表示當前HEAD之前的n次提交。 因此, HEAD@{1}意味着在HEAD之前提交一次。 您還可以使用@~n作為上述符號的簡寫(,使用@~n代替HEAD~n來簡化事情)。

為什么 564903c (imagegallery) 圖像庫分支在圖形視圖中斷開連接?

您需要 state 您對提供的說明/命令的期望,然后才會清楚。 您提供的數據量在 go 中需要讀取很多。 沒有人有時間通過如此大量的命令來 go (不是指責你,而是陳述一個真實的案例)。 你需要對事情有點具體(更多內容見下文)。

我有一個建議給你,當你在這里發布問題時,只需要求其他人復制你的回購的當前 state。 這將意味着盡可能少的冗余指令。 例如,這個部分:

4319  git checkout imagegallery
4323  git checkout master
4326  git pull 
4333  git checkout imagegallery
4342  git checkout master

包含冗余指令。 您可以僅使用git checkout mastergit pullgit checkout imagegallery來完成此部分。 此外,在執行push時不需要使用-u ,尤其是在執行git push origin <branch-name>時。

順便說一句,您可能想查看Git提供的關於 Git 最終用戶面臨的各種常見問題的常見問題解答。 可能會幫助你一點:)



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