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VBA 與多個條件匹配 function

[英]VBA match function with multiple criteria

我是新來的,這是我的第一個問題,我也不會說英語,所以我的代碼(變量)有時是荷蘭語。 我有一個包含多張工作表(預訂、小屋、驗證者和時間表)的工作簿。 時間表需要填寫正確的小屋進行預訂。

我的問題:我希望與匹配 function 一起返回山寨 ID。 我需要 Cottage_id(位於 Cottagesheet 的 A 列中),其中 class 正確,小屋大小正確。 我已經嘗試了很多,但似乎沒有任何效果我收到錯誤消息,例如“類型不匹配”和無效的過程調用或參數。 提前謝謝你:我的代碼:

Dim i As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim d As Integer
Dim numrows As Long
Dim laatstekolom As Long
Dim cottagerow As Variant
Dim class As Integer
Dim guests As Variant
Dim cottage_size As Integer
Dim som As Long
Dim somrng As Range
Dim resKlasse As Integer
Dim cottageId As Integer
Dim klasserij As Range
Dim maxpersrij As Range
Dim zoekklasse As Integer

Set roostersheet = Worksheets("rooster")
Set Reservationsheet = Worksheets("reservations")
Set Cottagesheet = Worksheets("cottages")
Set validatorsheet = Worksheets("validator")
Set lookupsheet = Worksheets("lookup")

roostersheet.Cells(1, 1) = "Cottage_id"

'datum uit reservationssheet naar header roostersheet
For i = 1 To 42
roostersheet.Cells(1, 2) = Reservationsheet.Cells(2, 2)
roostersheet.Cells(1, 2 + i) = Reservationsheet.Cells(2, 2) + i
Next i

'cottageid uit cottagesheet naar 1e kolom roostersheet
For i = 1 To 819
roostersheet.Cells(2, 1) = Cottagesheet.Cells(2, 1)
roostersheet.Cells(i + 2, 1) = Cottagesheet.Cells(2, 1) + i
Next i

'fixed in rooster plaatsen
numrows = Reservationsheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
laatstekolom = roostersheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
Resnr = validatorsheet.Range("A:A")

For i = 2 To numrows
    If Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 16).Value <> 0 Then
    cottagerow = Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 16).Value - 1
    validatorsheet.Cells(i - 1, 2).Value = Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 16).Value
    End If
    For d = 2 To laatstekolom
        If Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 2) = roostersheet.Cells(1, laatstekolom) Then
        Range(roostersheet.Cells(cottagerow, datumkolom), roostersheet.Cells(cottagerow, laatstekolom + Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 3).Value - 1)).Value = Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 1).Value
        End If
    Next d
Next i

'reserveringen eisen sum = 0
For class = 4 To 1 Step -1
    For i = 2 To numrows

guests = Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 4).Value
            'juiste cottagesize
    If guests = 1 Then
        cottage_size = 2
    ElseIf guests = 2 Then
        cottage_size = 2
    ElseIf guests = 3 Then
        cottage_size = 4
    ElseIf guests = 4 Then
        cottage_size = 4
    ElseIf guests = 5 Then
        cottage_size = 5
    ElseIf guests = 6 Then
        cottage_size = 6
    ElseIf guests = 7 Then
        cottage_size = 8
    ElseIf guests = 8 Then
        cottage_size = 8
    Else: cottage_size = 12
    End If

    zoekklasse = class
    lookupsheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = zoekklasse
    lookupsheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = cottage_size

        If Application.WorksheetFunction.sum(Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 6), Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 15)) = 0 And Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 5).Value = class And Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 4).Value = cottage_size Then
            Dim klasseKolom As Variant
            Dim SizeKolom As Variant
            Dim test As String
            Set klasseKolom = Cottagesheet.UsedRange.Columns(3)
            Set SizeKolom = Cottagesheet.UsedRange.Columns(2)

            ' cottageId = Application.Match(1, (klasseKolom = "&zoekklasse&") * (SizeKolom = "&cottage_size&"), 0)
            cottageId = Evaluate("MATCH(1, ('lookupsheet'!A1="""&klasseKolom&""") * ('lookupsheet'!A2 = """&SizeKolom&"""), 0)")
 'If Application.WorksheetFunction.sum(jjuyiReservationsheet.Cells(i, 6), Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 15)) = 0 And Reservationsheet.Cells(i, 5).Value = class and Then

            'validatorsheet.Cells(cottageId, 2).Value = cottagesheet.Cells(i, 1).Value   'invullen in validatorsheet
          'validatorsheet.Cells(i, 2).Value = "x"
    End If

    'ElseIf som <> 0 Then

Next i
Next class
End Sub


cottageId = Evaluate("MATCH(1,(" & klasseKolom.Address(External:=True) & "=" & zoekklasse & ")*(" & SizeKolom.Address(External:=True) & "=" & cottage_size & "),0)")


If Not IsError(cottageId) Then
    MsgBox cottageId, vbInformation
    MsgBox "cottageId not found!", vbExclamation
End If


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