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[英]How to write a *ngIf statement in a table in Angular?

<table border = 2 border-bottom = 2>
    <th> </th>
    <th>S. No.</th>
    <th>Creation date</th>
    <th>Modification date</th>

    <tr *ngFor = "let checkboxesBlog of getCheckboxes_FormGroup.controls; let i = index;" >
        <a *ngIf = "checkboxesBlog.controls.visible.value === true">
            <td [formGroup] = "checkboxesBlog"> 
                <input type      = "checkbox"
                 formControlName = "checkboxValue"
                 (click)         = "onCheckboxClicked( i )">

            <td>{{ i + 1 }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.blogTitle.value }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.creationDate.value }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.modificationDate.value }}</td>

在 if 子句之后會產生上述兩個問題:
<a *ngIf = "checkboxesBlog.controls.visible.value === true">

  1. S.R. No. S.R. No. ,不是順序的,因為 i 在 for 循環中得到更新。

  2. 第一列不必要地太長。

怎樣寫 if 語句來避免這些問題?


一些 HTML 元素要求所有直接子元素都是特定類型。 例如, <tr>元素需要<td>子元素。 您不能將行包裝在有條件的<a>中。

ng-container 救援

Angular <ng-container>是一個不會干擾 styles 或布局的分組元素,因為 Angular 沒有將其放入 DOM 中。


<table border = 2 border-bottom = 2>
    <th> </th>
    <th>S. No.</th>
    <th>Creation date</th>
    <th>Modification date</th>

    <tr *ngFor = "let checkboxesBlog of getCheckboxes_FormGroup.controls; let i = index;" >
        <ng-container *ngIf = "checkboxesBlog.controls.visible.value === true">
            <td [formGroup] = "checkboxesBlog"> 
                <input type      = "checkbox"
                 formControlName = "checkboxValue"
                 (click)         = "onCheckboxClicked( i )">

            <td>{{ i + 1 }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.blogTitle.value }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.creationDate.value }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.modificationDate.value }}</td>

更多信息: https://angular.io/guide/structural-directives#ng-container-to-the-rescue

這里是 go:-

<table border = 2 border-bottom = 2>
    <th> </th>
    <th>S. No.</th>
    <th>Creation date</th>
    <th>Modification date</th>
    <tr *ngFor = "let checkboxesBlog of filteredCheckBoxes; let i = index;" >
            <td [formGroup] = "checkboxesBlog"> 
                <input type      = "checkbox"
                 formControlName = "checkboxValue"
                 (click)         = "onCheckboxClicked( i )">

            <td>{{ i + 1 }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.blogTitle.value }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.creationDate.value }}</td>
            <td>{{ checkboxesBlog.controls.modificationDate.value }}</td>

在 Typescript 中:-

public filteredCheckBoxes = [];

ngOnInit() {

public filterData() {
  this.filteredCheckBoxes = this.getCheckboxes_FormGroup.controls.filter((data) => data.controls.visible.value);

這個答案: https://stackoverflow.com/a/62014605/462608 ,引發以下錯誤:

Property 'controls' does not exist on type 'AbstractControl'.

來自以下 function:

public filterData() {
  this.filteredCheckBoxes = this.getCheckboxes_FormGroup.controls.filter((data) => data.controls.visible.value);

解決該錯誤的方法是使用data.get('visible').value而不是data.controls.visible.value ,如下所示:

this.filteredCheckBoxes = this.getCheckboxes_FormGroup.controls.filter( (data) => data.get('visible').value) );


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