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填寫 Web 表格 - Excel VBA - Z9E13B69D1D2DA927102ACAAAF7154A3

[英]Fill out Web form - Excel VBA - Javascript

我正在嘗試填寫 web 表格,我想在其中 select 來自不同列表的以下選項:

  • 以美元為基礎貨幣,
  • 目標貨幣為歐洲歐元和英鎊
  • 時間范圍到確切時間段
  • 開始日期和結束日期至 2020 年 5 月 5 日
  • Microsoft Excel 的表格樣式


我可以導航到該網站並單擊“檢索數據”按鈕,但我不能 select 列表中的值。 任何幫助將不勝感激!

Excel VBA 代碼:

Sub FilloutWebForm()

    Dim ie As Object

    Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")

    With ie
        .Visible = True
        .navigate "https://fx.sauder.ubc.ca/data.html"

        Do While .Busy

        Do While .readyState <> 4
    End With

'Fill out form

ie.document.querySelector("[href*='base']").Value = "USD"
ie.document.querySelector("[href*='targets']").Value = "EUR"
ie.document.querySelector("[href*='horizon']").Value = ""
ie.document.querySelector("[href*='time']").Value = "??"
ie.document.querySelector("[href*='tables']").Value = "Excel"

'Click Retrieve Data Button

Set Input_Elements = ie.document.getElementsByTagName("input")
    For Each Input_Element In Input_Elements
        If Input_Element.getAttribute("value") = "Retrieve Data" Then
            Exit For
        End If
    Next Input_Element

End Sub


 <a href="javascript:helpme('base');">Base Currency</a><br>
   <font size="-1">(choose one; most popular<br>choices appear at the top)</font>
   <select name="b">
      <option value="USD">U.S. Dollars
   <option value="CAD">Canadian Dollars
   <option value="EUR">European Euros
   <option value="GBP">British Pounds
   <option value="JPY">Japanese Yen

<a href="javascript:helpme('targets');">Target Currencies</a><br>
   <font size="-1">(choose one or more)</font>
   <select name="c" multiple size=10>
      <option value="USD">U.S. Dollars
   <option value="CAD">Canadian Dollars
   <option value="EUR">European Euros
   <option value="GBP">British Pounds

 <a href="javascript:helpme('horizon');">Choose Time Horizon</a>
   <select name="rd">
   <option value="" selected>Exact Time Period
   <option value="1">Last Trading Day
   <option value="7">Last 7 Days
   <option value="28">Last 28 Days

  <a href="javascript:helpme('horizon');">Choose Time Horizon</a>
   <select name="rd">
   <option value="" selected>Exact Time Period
   <option value="1">Last Trading Day
   <option value="7">Last 7 Days
   <option value="28">Last 28 Days
   To use start and end date,<br>
   select "Exact Time Period" in the<br>
   "Choose Time Horizon" menu.<br>
   <a href="javascript:helpme('time');">Start Date</a><br>
   <input type=text size=2 name="fd" value="1" maxlength=2>
   <select name="fm">
   <option selected value="1">Jan
   <option value="2">Feb
   <option value="3">Mar
   <option value="4">Apr
   <option value="5">May
   <option value="6">Jun
   <option value="7">Jul
   <option value="8">Aug
   <option value="9">Sep
   <option value="10">Oct
   <option value="11">Nov
   <option value="12">Dec
   <input type=text size=4 name="fy" value="2019" maxlength=4>
   <a href="javascript:helpme('time');">End Date</a><br>
   <input type=text size=2 name="ld" value="31" maxlength=2>
   <select name="lm">
   <option value="1">Jan
   <option value="2">Feb
   <option value="3">Mar
   <option value="4">Apr
   <option value="5">May
   <option value="6">Jun
   <option value="7">Jul
   <option value="8">Aug
   <option value="9">Sep
   <option value="10">Oct
   <option value="11">Nov
   <option selected value="12">Dec

 <a href="javascript:helpme('tables');">Table Style</a>
   <select name="f">
   <option value="HTML">HTML
   <option value="HTML2" selected>HTML+CSS
   <option value="plain">plain text
   <option value="Excel">Microsoft Excel
   <option value="LaTeX">LaTeX table
   <option value="csv">CSV spreadsheet
   <option value="tab">Tab spreadsheet

與 JavaScript 無關。 您嘗試單擊的鏈接會打開幫助文本。 您必須直接填寫輸入標簽。 請求 Excel 文件不是一個好主意,因為您無法處理以下下載對話框。 最好要一張html表。 您可以從中讀出數據。

Sub FilloutWebForm()

  Dim ie As Object
  Dim nodeAllInput As Object
  Dim nodeOneInput As Object

  Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
  With ie
    .Visible = True
    .navigate "https://fx.sauder.ubc.ca/data.html"
    Do While .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
  End With

  'Fill out form
  'Base currency to US Dollars
  ie.document.getElementsByName("b")(0).Value = "USD"

  'Target currencies European Euros and British Pounds
  With ie.document.getElementsByName("c")(0)
    .Children(2).Selected = True
    .Children(3).Selected = True
  End With

  'Time horizon to Exact Time Period
  ie.document.getElementsByName("rd")(0).Value = ""

  'Start date
  ie.document.getElementsByName("fd")(0).Value = "5"
  ie.document.getElementsByName("fm")(0).Value = "5"
  ie.document.getElementsByName("fy")(0).Value = "2020"

  'End date
  ie.document.getElementsByName("ld")(0).Value = "5"
  ie.document.getElementsByName("lm")(0).Value = "5"
  ie.document.getElementsByName("ly")(0).Value = "2020"

  'Table Style to HTML
  ie.document.getElementsByName("f")(0).Value = "HTML"

  'Click Retrieve Data Button
  Set nodeAllInput = ie.document.getElementsByTagName("input")
  For Each nodeOneInput In nodeAllInput
    If nodeOneInput.getAttribute("value") = "Retrieve Data" Then
      Exit For
    End If
  Next nodeOneInput
End Sub


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