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使用 psutil 獲取“psutil.AccessDenied (pid=6836)”錯誤

[英]Getting 'psutil.AccessDenied (pid=6836)' error using psutil


import psutil
if "notepad.exe" in (p.name() for p in psutil.process_iter()):
    print('program is running')
    print('not running')


During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "~/temp.py", line 2, in <module>
    if "notepad.exe" in (p.name() for p in psutil.process_iter()):
  File "~/temp.py", line 2, in <genexpr>
    if "notepad.exe" in (p.name() for p in psutil.process_iter()):
  File "~\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\psutil\__init__.py", line 630, in name
    name = self._proc.name()
  File "~\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\psutil\_pswindows.py", line 750, in name
    return os.path.basename(self.exe())
  File "~\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\psutil\_pswindows.py", line 681, in wrapper
    raise convert_oserror(err, pid=self.pid, name=self._name)
psutil.AccessDenied: psutil.AccessDenied (pid=6836)

Process finished with exit code 1

我對這個簡單的代碼做錯了嗎? 還是有其他替代方法?

編輯:對不起,我忘了在 windows 上提及我,而不是 linux,你能給我 windows 平台的解決方案嗎?

您可能需要系統管理員/root 權限。

如果您可以獲得命令提示符,請在運行 python 之前嘗試使用sudo將您的權限提升到 root 用戶。 或授予您的用戶管理員級別的訪問權限。


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