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使用 Azure Cli 或 Azure REST Azure 禁用 AFD 后端池的后端主機

[英]Disable AFD Backend Pool's Backend Host with Azure Cli or Azure REST API

我正在嘗試更新 AFD 后端池的現有后端主機,使其狀態從Enabled變為Disabled

有沒有辦法更新 Front Door 后端池的現有后端主機?

目前,我只能在以下azure 前門 cli 文檔中看到addlistremove

  • az network front-door backend-pool backend add
  • az network front-door backend-pool backend list
  • az network front-door backend-pool backend remove


我還查看了Azure REST API 文檔,並沒有找到更新 AFD 后端池后端主機的端點。


我能夠解決我的問題,以下腳本需要使用 azure cli 和登錄服務原則。

  [string]$desiredState, #"Enabled" or "Disabled"

# Get Access Token
$token = az account get-access-token | ConvertFrom-Json
$accessToken = $token.accessToken
$subscriptionId = $token.subscription
$tenantId = $token.tenant

$uri = "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/$($subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$($resourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/$($frontDoorName)?api-version=2019-05-01"
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken" }
$contentType = "application/json"

# Get AFD Configuration.
Write-Host "Invoking Azure REST API to get AFD configuration"
$afdConfig = Invoke-WebRequest -method get -uri $uri -headers $headers | ConvertFrom-Json

# Edit AFD Configuration to toggle backend host state
Write-Host "Checking BackendHost: $targetBackendHost In Backend Pool: $targetBackendPool"

foreach ($backendPool in $afdConfig.properties.backendPools) {
    if ($backendPool.name -eq $targetBackendPool) {
        foreach ($backends in $backendPool.properties.backends) {
            if ($backends.address -eq $targetBackendHost) {
                $currentState = $backends.enabledState
                Write-Host "Current State of $targetBackendHost is $currentState"
                if ($currentState -eq $desiredState) {
                    Write-Host "$targetBackendHost is already in the desired state of $desiredState"
                $backends.enabledState = $desiredState
                Write-Host "$targetBackendHost Updated to $desiredState."

$updateRequest = $afdConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

# Update AFD Configuration.
Write-Host "Invoking Azure REST API to update AFD configuration"
Invoke-WebRequest -method put -uri $uri -headers $headers -ContentType $contentType -body $updateRequest

# Poll current state until the change has been fully propogated in azure
Write-Host "Polling AFD until update is complete."
do {
    $afdConfig = Invoke-WebRequest -method get -uri $uri -headers $headers | ConvertFrom-Json

    foreach ($backendPool in $afdConfig.properties.backendPools) {
        if ($backendPool.name -eq $targetBackendPool) {
            foreach ($backends in $backendPool.properties.backends) {
                if ($backends.address -eq $targetBackendHost) {
                    $currentState = $backends.enabledState
    Write-Host "$targetBackendHost is currently in $currentState"
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} until ($currentState -eq $desiredState)

Write-Host "$targetBackendHost has successfully been updated to $desiredState"

我可以使用 PowerShell 來滿足您的要求。


$resourceGroup1 = "前門" $frontDoor1 = "msrini"

$afd = 獲取-AzFrontDoor -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup1 -name $frontDoor1


$afd.BackendPools.backends[0].EnabledState = "已禁用"


$frontendEndpoint1 = $afd.FrontendEndpoints

$healthProbeSetting1= $afd.HealthProbeSettings

$routingrule1 = $afd.RoutingRules

$backendpoolsettings1 = $afd.BackendPoolsSetting

Set-AzFrontDoor -Name $frontDoor1 -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup1 -RoutingRule $routingrule1 -BackendPool $backendpool1 -FrontendEndpoint $frontendEndpoint1 -LoadBalancingSetting $loadBalancingSetting1 -HealthProbeSetting $healthProbeSetting1 -BackendPoolsSetting $backendpoolsettings1


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