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[英]How to tell if a non-existent path leads to a directory or a file in a cross-platform way in Python?


def __init__(self, path:str, is_dir:bool=None):
    # checks
    if is_dir is None: is_dir = path.endswith('/') or path.endswith('\\') or os.path.isdir(path) or '.' not in path  # guess if path is pointing to a file
    self.is_dir = is_dir
    # note: Because both files and folders can, but don't have to include dots in their names,
    #       this check is just a basic guess.
    #       files without extensions that were not yet created will be recognised as folders
    #       and
    #       folders with dots in their name that were not yet created will be recognised as files
    #       If you know of a better solution to this problem (which I frankly don't think exists),
    #       please implement it here.

有沒有更好的方法適用於類 UNIX 和 Windows? (甚至可能在其他地方?)



  • 在常見的 Windows 文件系統上,您不能將\/放在文件中(兩者都被接受為路徑中的分隔符)
  • 在最常見的 Linux 文件系統上,但是,您可以將\放在文件中( /用作路徑中的分隔符)
  • 目錄不太可能在其名稱中包含點(Linux 上的“隱藏”目錄不是這種情況,您也可以輕松地將目錄命名為why.would.you.do.this


  • 您可以根據常見文件擴展名列表檢查路徑(但這仍然只是為您提供猜測)
  • 重新考慮你的人生決定



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