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如何使用 AVFoundation 獲取 iPhone 相機的焦距

[英]how to get focal length of camera of iPhone using AVFoundation

如何找到 iPhone 相機鏡頭的焦距。 我已經通過這個找到了鏡頭光圈值:- let aperture = currentcamera?.lensAperture
print("Aperture of camera is:-",aperture!)

為此,您需要首先從相機中獲取圖像,然后從返回的 Exif 數據中讀取其焦距屬性。 示例代碼在這里給出並復制如下以供參考:

// delegate method for the image picker
func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {

    let metadata = info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaMetadata] as? NSDictionary
    let exifdata = metadata!["{Exif}"] as! NSDictionary

    // focal length
    let focalLength = exifdata["FocalLength"] as! Double

    print("Focal length \(focalLength)")


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