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如何翻譯 python 中的文本?

[英]How do i translate text in python?

如何翻譯 python 中的文本?

如果我在 a.int 文件中有文本並且我想翻譯部分“Aye Aye, Captain”。 和“完成黑彼得案?” 到芬蘭語並將它們替換為新文件我將如何使用相同的格式?

[finishbp Data_FDK_Achievement]
LocName="Aye Aye, Captain!"
LocDescription="Finish Black Peter case."


[finishbp Data_FDK_Achievement]
LocName="Aye Aye, kapteeni!"
LocDescription="Viimeistele Black Peter-tapaus."

使用 googletrans (pypi.org/project/googletrans) 模塊是可能的。 以下代碼采用您提供的格式文本文件的輸入文件夾(允許多次出現),翻譯相關部分並在 output 文件夾中為每個輸入文件創建一個新的翻譯文本文件。
googletrans 翻譯了你的例子:
“完成黑彼得案。” 到“Valmis Musta Pekka 小吃”。
“Aye Aye,船長”到“Ai-ai,kapteeni!”

from googletrans import Translator
import os
import re

INPUT_FOLDER_PATH = 'path/to/inputFolder'
OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH = 'path/to/outputFolder'

# a translator object from the googletrans api
tl = Translator()

# go through all the files in the input folder
for filename in os.listdir(INPUT_FOLDER_PATH):

    # open the file to translate and split the data into lines
    in_file = open(f'{INPUT_FOLDER_PATH}/{filename}', 'r')
    data = in_file.read()
    data = data.split('\n')

    # the modified data string we will now fill
    transl_data = ""

    # translate the relevant parts of each line
    for line in data:

        # find matches: is this a relevant line?
        locname = re.findall('(?<=LocName=").*(?=")', line)
        locdesc = re.findall('(?<=LocDescription=").*(?=")', line)

        # if there is a locName or locDescription match, translate the important part and replace it
        if len(locname) == 1:
            locname_trans = tl.translate(locname[0], dest='fi').text
            line = re.sub('(?<=LocName=").*(?=")', locname_trans, line)
        elif len(locdesc) == 1:
            locdesc_trans = tl.translate(locdesc[0], dest='fi').text
            line = re.sub('(?<=LocDescription=").*(?=")', locdesc_trans, line)

        # add the translated line to the translated string
        transl_data += line + '\n'

    # create a new file for the translations 
    out_file = open(f'{OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH}/{filename}-translated', 'w')

    # write the translated data to the output file

    # clean up


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