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[英]Including notes on stargazer table distorts distance between columns

我正在嘗試使用 stargazer package 打印我的 plm 模型的一些表格。 一切都很好,直到我嘗試在我的桌子上添加筆記。 不幸的是,當我添加注釋時,output 表被扭曲,每列之間有很大的空格。 任何人都可以幫我解決它嗎? 提前致謝!

注意:我仍在學習 Latex,因此歡迎使用 html 的解決方案

#Here I create a simple data.frame just to replicate my data
vector <- rep(0,72)

for (i in 1:72) {
  vector[i] <- rnorm(1)

data <- as.data.frame(matrix (vector, nrow = 7))

#This outputs a normal table, with normal space width between columns
          type = "text",
          style = "AER")

#This is the note I want to print. However, it returns an error if I space it out like that.
          type = "text",
          notes = c("All models were estimated by fixed effects estimator. Errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and 
                    autocovariance. Numbers between parenthesis are the coefficient standard deviations. * represents 
                    significance at the 10 % level, ** represents significance at the 5% level, and *** represents significance 
                    at the 1% level. Models (1), (2) and (3) refer, respectively, to equations (7), (8) and (9)"),
          style = "AER")

#This outputs the table. However, there are big blank spaces between columns. How do I fix this?
          type = "text",
          notes = c("All models were estimated by fixed effects estimator. Errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and autocovariance. Numbers between parenthesis are the coefficient standard deviations. * represents significance at the 10 % level, ** represents significance at the 5% level, and *** represents significance at the 1% level. Models (1), (2) and (3) refer, respectively, to equations (7), (8) and (9)"),
          style = "AER")


我遇到了類似的問題,這是我針對 LaTeX 的解決方案。

首先,您需要一個單獨的 function 來創建包含注釋的自己的 minipage。


stargazernote <- function(starGazerCmd, outputfile, note){
  # inserts 'note' to the end of stargazer generated latex table
  ssn <- gsub(x=starGazerCmd, pattern='\\end{tabular}',
              replacement=paste('\\end{tabular}', '\n',
                                '\\centerline{\\begin{minipage}{0.95\\textwidth}~\\', '\n',
                                '\\footnotesize{' , note, 
                                '} \\end{minipage}}',  sep=''), fixed=T)


(您可能想要使用參數{0.95\\textwidth} 。有些人喜歡稍微寬一點或窄一點的音符寬度。)

創建您的 stargazer latex 表,不帶以下注釋:

s <- stargazer(data,
          type = "latex",
          style = "AER",


note <- "All models were estimated by fixed effects estimator. Errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and autocovariance. Numbers between parenthesis are the coefficient standard deviations. * represents significance at the 10 \\% level, ** represents significance at the 5\\% level, and *** represents significance at the 1\\% level. Models (1), (2) and (3) refer, respectively, to equations (7), (8) and (9)"

這是第一個問題:LaTeX 將%符號解釋為注釋符號,因此您需要通過在%前面加上\\來轉義它們。

現在您可以使用上面的 function 來整理筆記和 LaTeX 表:

stargazernote(s, note=note, outputfile='foo.tex')

output 看起來像這樣: 在此處輸入圖像描述

第二個問題是您需要記住在 LaTeX 文件中包含 graphicsx。 這是 a.tex 文件的樣子:


\usepackage{graphicx} %% note: the table will not render without this package. 



您可以像這樣強制更改注釋中的行(這是從這個 SO question復制的):

          type = "text",
          notes= c("All models were estimated by fixed effects estimator.", 
                    "Errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and autocovariance.", 
                    "Numbers between parenthesis are the coefficient standard deviations.", 
                    "* represents significance at the 10 % level", 
                    "** represents significance at the 5% level,", 
                    "and *** represents significance at the 1% level.", 
                     "Models (1), (2) and (3) refer, respectively, to equations (7), (8) and (9)"),
          style = "AER")


Statistic             N       Mean   St. Dev.   Min    Pctl(25) Pctl(75)   Max   
V1                    7      0.184    0.380    -0.230   -0.004   0.231    0.957  
V2                    7      -0.083   1.018    -1.246   -0.827   0.631    1.322  
V3                    7      -0.058   0.752    -0.733   -0.610   0.495    1.025  
V4                    7      -0.316   1.106    -2.223   -0.725   0.412    1.120  
V5                    7      -0.242   0.927    -1.777   -0.809   0.397    0.743  
V6                    7      -0.020   1.403    -1.453   -1.202   0.756    2.348  
V7                    7      0.565    1.130    -1.459   0.156    1.224    2.023  
V8                    7      0.840    0.938    -0.493   0.334    1.302    2.256  
V9                    7      -0.191   0.761    -1.012   -0.766   0.236    1.107  
V10                   7      0.530    0.643    -0.222   0.144    0.680    1.768  
V11                   7      0.263    0.396    -0.230   -0.004   0.432    0.957  
All models were estimated by fixed effects estimator.                            
Errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and autocovariance.                      
Numbers between parenthesis are the coefficient standard deviations.             
* represents significance at the 10 % level                                      
** represents significance at the 5% level,                                      
and *** represents significance at the 1% level.                                 
Models (1), (2) and (3) refer, respectively, to equations (7), (8) and (9)   


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