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獲取 WooCommerce 中產品的 class 名稱和運費

[英]Get shipping class name and shipping cost for product in WooCommerce

我正在嘗試在 WooCommerce 單個產品頁面上顯示產品的運輸 class 名稱和運輸統一費率。 我使用了下面的代碼:

$shipping_class_id = $product->get_shipping_class_id();
$shipping_class= $product->get_shipping_class();
$fee = 0;

if ($shipping_class_id) {
   $flat_rates = get_option("woocommerce_flat_rates");
   $fee = $flat_rates[$shipping_class]['cost'];

$flat_rate_settings = get_option("woocommerce_flat_rate_settings");
echo 'Shipping cost: ' . ($flat_rate_settings['cost_per_order'] + $fee);

我可以使用此代碼獲得運輸 class id 以及運輸 class slug,但不能獲得 label。 我也無法獲得特定運輸 class 的成本,這是運輸區域部分定義的 5 歐元統一費率。


1)獲取發貨 Class Label 名稱(來自產品):

發貨 class 已注冊為一個術語,因此您可以使用以下方式輕松獲得發貨 Class label 的產品:

$shipping_class_id   = $product->get_shipping_class_id();
$shipping_class_term = get_term($shipping_class_id, 'product_shipping_class');

if( ! is_wp_error($shipping_class_term) && is_a($shipping_class_term, 'WP_Term') ) {
    $shipping_class_name  = $shipping_class_term->name;




現在,如果您只有一個運輸區域,並且您想定位特定的運輸方式並獲取運輸方式標題及其大致成本(如在設置中) ,基於產品稅 class,請嘗試以下操作:

// HERE set your targeted shipping Zone type (method ID)
$targeted_shipping_method_id = 'flat_rate';

// The product shipping class ID
$product_class_id = $product->get_shipping_class_id();

$zone_ids = array_keys( array('') + WC_Shipping_Zones::get_zones() );

// Loop through Zone IDs
foreach ( $zone_ids as $zone_id ) {
    // Get the shipping Zone object
    $shipping_zone = new WC_Shipping_Zone($zone_id);
    // Get all shipping method values for the shipping zone
    $shipping_methods = $shipping_zone->get_shipping_methods( true, 'values' );

    // Loop through Zone IDs
    foreach ( $shipping_methods as $instance_id => $shipping_method ) {
        // Shipping method rate ID
        $rate_id = $shipping_method->get_rate_id();

        // Shipping method ID
        $method_id = explode( ':', $rate_id);
        $method_id = reset($method_id);

        // Targeting a specific shipping method ID
        if( $method_id === $targeted_shipping_method_id ) {
            // Get Shipping method title (label)
            $title = $shipping_method->get_title();
            $title = empty($title) ? $shipping_method->get_method_title() : $title;

            // Get shipping method settings data
            $data = $shipping_method->instance_settings;

            ## COST:

            // For a defined shipping class
            if( isset($product_class_id) && ! empty($product_class_id) 
            && isset($data['class_cost_'.$product_class_id]) ) {
                $cost = $data['class_cost_'.$product_class_id];
            // For no defined shipping class when "no class cost" is defined
            elseif( isset($product_class_id) && empty($product_class_id) 
            && isset($data['no_class_cost']) && $data['no_class_cost'] > 0 ) {
                $cost = $data['no_class_cost'];
            // When there is no defined shipping class and when "no class cost" is defined
            else {
                $cost = $data['cost'];

            // Testing output
            echo '<p><strong>'.$title.'</strong>: '.$cost.'</p>';



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