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PHP 警告:PHP 啟動:無法加載動態庫“intl”錯誤

[英]PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'intl' error

我正在嘗試執行命令“composer install”命令。 但是得到這個錯誤:

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'intl' (tried: ./ext/intl (The specified module could not be found.), ./ext/php_intl.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'intl' (tried: ./ext/intl (The specified module could not be found.), ./ext/php_intl.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  Module 'pdo_mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Module 'pdo_mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'intl' (tried: ./ext/intl (The specified module could not be found.), ./ext/php_intl.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  Module 'pdo_mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'intl' (tried: ./ext/intl (The specified module could not be found.), ./ext/php_intl.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Module 'pdo_mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - The requested PHP extension ext-intl * is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's intl extension.

這是我的 php ini 文件。 我刪除了 ”;” 來自“extension=intl”,但它仍然給我錯誤

;extension=exif      ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it
;extension=oci8_12c  ; Use with Oracle Database 12c Instant Client

如果您使用 PHP v7.3.2 它在此鏈接中報告了有關加載動態庫 intl 的錯誤。

Simple copy your icu*63.dll or icu*68.dll (for PHP 8) files from your php directory to apache24/bin

它適用於 Apache + PHP 8.0.0 x64 + intl

我在 Windows 服務器上從 php7.4 遷移到 php8.1 時遇到了類似的問題。 解決方案是在 PATH 環境變量中添加到 php8 目錄和 php8 ext 目錄的路徑。


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