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[英]Why do i get a Key Error in my Nested Dict


jahre = 3
monate = 12
mydict = {}
a = 1
b = 1
aa = 00
uu = 0
for oo in range(jahre):
        mydict[str(a)] = str(uu)
        for wu in range(monate):
               mydict[jahre][str(b)] = {}
               b = b + 1
        a = a + 1

我得到的 Output 是:

mydict[jahre][str(b)] = {}
KeyError: 1

首先,在您的代碼中, mydict[1]不存在,因此 KeyError。 請注意, mydict["1"]確實存在,因為您在第一個 for 循環中設置了它。



# first, let's set the variables for years and months, as you want 3 years and 12 months in each year
years = 3
months = 12

# then, let's initialise the dictionary
mydict = {}

# now comes the code to fill this dictionary

# first, we have a for loop over the years to generate the first level of the nested dictionary
# note that we use range(1, years+1) and not range(years) because range(years) iterate over 0, 1 and 2 and we want it to iterate over 1, 2 and 3
for year in range(1, years+1):
    # for each year, we want to generate a key
    # here, we set the "Year N." with the year number at the end
    # so, for each year in the loop, it will create a key whose value will be, for instance, "Year N.1"
    mydict["Year N."+str(year)] = {}
    # now let's do the same but for months
    # the same logic applies here, we iterate over each month
    for month in range(1, months+1):
        # now, we create a key for the month within the desired year
        # note that here, the variable year is still the one over which it iterates in the first loop
        # in the same way, we create each key like "Month N.11" for instance
        mydict["Year N."+str(year)]["Month N."+str(month)] = {}


years = 3
months = 12
mydict = {}

for year in range(1, years+1):
    mydict["Year N."+str(year)] = {}
    for month in range(1, months+1):
        mydict["Year N."+str(year)]["Month N."+str(month)] = {}


{'Year N.1': {'Month N.1': {},
  'Month N.2': {},
  'Month N.3': {},
  'Month N.4': {},
  'Month N.5': {},
  'Month N.6': {},
  'Month N.7': {},
  'Month N.8': {},
  'Month N.9': {},
  'Month N.10': {},
  'Month N.11': {},
  'Month N.12': {}},
 'Year N.2': {'Month N.1': {},
  'Month N.2': {},
  'Month N.3': {},
  'Month N.4': {},
  'Month N.5': {},
  'Month N.6': {},
  'Month N.7': {},
  'Month N.8': {},
  'Month N.9': {},
  'Month N.10': {},
  'Month N.11': {},
  'Month N.12': {}},
 'Year N.3': {'Month N.1': {},
  'Month N.2': {},
  'Month N.3': {},
  'Month N.4': {},
  'Month N.5': {},
  'Month N.6': {},
  'Month N.7': {},
  'Month N.8': {},
  'Month N.9': {},
  'Month N.10': {},
  'Month N.11': {},
  'Month N.12': {}}}

如果答案不夠清楚,請隨時詢問。 我強烈建議您在解釋器中運行此代碼,這樣您可以查看每次迭代中變量發生的情況,以便在您無法從代碼和注釋中理解它的情況下更好地理解它是如何工作的。 您可以為此使用OnlineGDB 的解釋器及其調試選項。


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