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無法使用 redux-saga 和 socket.io 在 React Native 客戶端和 Node.js 服務器之間正確建立連接

[英]Unable to properly establish a connection between React Native client and Node.js server with redux-saga and socket.io

快速上下文:我正在嘗試構建評論頁面的反應原生原型,用戶可以在其中接收實時更新(評論、用戶進入評論屏幕、用戶離開等)。 為此,我使用 react-redux、redux-saga、socket.io 和 node.js(服務器)。 我是 redux-saga 的新手,所以我可能在這里遺漏了一些明顯的東西,所以請稍等……罪魁禍首肯定在於watchCommentActions函數/傳奇……

問題:一旦安裝完成,評論屏幕就會發送以下操作 { type:comment.room.join, value },然后 rootSaga 會正確地確認它,但是,當嘗試使用 promise 連接到套接字時- 通過const socket = yield call(connect) 解析結構; promise 永遠不會解決,這會阻塞生成器(它不會進入下一個產量)。 奇怪的是,另一方面,服務器確實記錄了與套接字的連接,所以連接客戶端 --> 服務器似乎沒問題。 此外,通過熱重新加載應用程序,我可以設法解決 promise (就像生成器需要運行兩次才能解決套接字連接),但是socket.emit("join-room")永遠不會到達服務器和生成器再次卡住。 同樣,當我嘗試通過發布評論來觸發寫入生成器並因此調度 {type:comment.post.start, value } 時 *socket.emit("comment", {text: value.text}) 不會到達服務器。 簡而言之,沒有什么真正起作用,也沒有拋出任何錯誤......太好了。

最后的話:在將我的套接字邏輯移動到 saga 之前,套接字連接是無縫工作的。 I've also tried to reuse the documentation's implementation with channels by using the same connect function instead of createWebSocketConection ( https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/advanced/Channels.html ) but the promise-resolve-socket situation仍然發生。 另外,我注意到類似的問題來自我研究過的同一個 git 存儲庫以了解 sagas 邏輯( https://github.com/kuy/redux-saga-chat-example/blob/master/src/client/ sagas.js ),但是,它們都沒有讓我理解我的實現有什么問題。 最后,如果有更好的方法用 redux-saga 實現這個邏輯,我很感興趣,我想要的只是一個健壯的、集中的、可重用的實現。


import { all, takeEvery, takeLatest } from "redux-saga/effects";
import { comment } from "../Reducers/commentCacheReducer";
import { like } from "../Reducers/postsCacheReducer";
import { posts } from "../Reducers/postsReducer";
import flow from "./commentSagas";
import { likePost, unlikePosts } from "./likeSagas";
import { fetchPosts } from "./postsSagas";

function* watchLikeActions() {
    yield takeLatest(like.add.start, likePost);
    yield takeLatest(like.remove.start, unlikePost);

function* watchFetchActions() {
    yield takeEvery(posts.fetch.start, fetchPosts);

function* watchCommentsActions() {
    yield takeEvery(comment.room.join, flow);

export default function* rootSaga() {
    yield all([watchLikeActions(), watchFetchActions(), watchCommentsActions()]);


import { eventChannel } from "redux-saga";
import { call, cancel, fork, put, take } from "redux-saga/effects";
import io from "socket.io-client";
import { endpoint } from "../../API/ServerAPI";
import { addUser, fetchComment, leaveRoom, removeUser } from "../Actions/commentActions";
import { comment } from "../Reducers/commentCacheReducer";

function connect() {
    const socket = io(endpoint);
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        socket.on("connection", () => {

function subscribe(socket) {
    return new eventChannel((emit) => {
        socket.on("users.join-room", ({ userId }) => {
            emit(addUser({ userId }));
        socket.on("users.leave-room", ({ userId }) => {
            emit(removeUser({ userId }));
        socket.on("comments.new", ({ comments }) => {
            emit(fetchComment({ comments }));
        socket.on("users.join-room", ({ userId }) => {
            emit(addUser({ userId }));

        return () => {};

function* read(socket) {
    const channel = yield call(subscribe, socket);
    while (true) {
        let action = yield take(channel);
        yield put(action);

function* write(socket) {
    while (true) {
        const { value } = yield take(comment.post.start);
        socket.emit("comment", { text: value.text });

function* handleIO(socket) {
    yield fork(read, socket);
    yield fork(write, socket);

export default function* flow() {
    const socket = yield call(connect);
    socket.emit("join-room", (res) => {

    const task = yield fork(handleIO, socket);

    let action = yield take(leaveRoom);
    yield cancel(task);
    yield put(action);


const http = require("http");
const app = require("./app");
const socketIo = require("socket.io");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");

const normalizePort = (val) => {
    const port = parseInt(val, 10);

    if (isNaN(port)) {
        return val;
    if (port >= 0) {
        return port;
    return false;
const port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || "3000");
app.set("port", port);

const errorHandler = (error) => {
    if (error.syscall !== "listen") {
        throw error;
    const address = server.address();
    const bind = typeof address === "string" ? "pipe " + address : "port: " + port;
    switch (error.code) {
        case "EACCES":
            console.error(bind + " requires elevated privileges.");
        case "EADDRINUSE":
            console.error(bind + " is already in use.");
            throw error;

const server = http.createServer(app);

const io = socketIo(server);

server.on("error", errorHandler);
server.on("listening", () => {
    const address = server.address();
    const bind = typeof address === "string" ? "pipe " + address : "port " + port;
    console.log("Listening on " + bind);

// comments room
// Storing in variable just for testing purposes, will
// connect to MongoDB once the socket problem gets solved.
let userIds = [];

io.on("connection", (socket) => {
    console.log("[server] connect");

io.on("join-room", (socket, {userId}) => {
    console.log(`[server] join-room: ${userId}`);
    socket.socket.username = userId;
    socket.broadcast.emit("users.join-room", { userId });

io.on("leave-room", (socket) => {
    const { userId } = socket.socket;
    if (userId) {
        console.log(`[server] leaving-room: ${userId}`);
        userIds = userIds.filter((u) => u !== userId);
        delete socket.socket["userId"];

        socket.broadcast("users.leave-room", { userId });

// Storing in variable just for testing purposes, will
// connect to MongoDB once the socket problem gets solved.
let messages = [];

io.on("comment", (socket, { text }) => {
    console.log(`[server] message: ${text}`);
    const message = {
        id: messages.length,
        userId: socket.socket.userId

    socket.broadcast("comments.new", { message });

編輯 1在快速瀏覽 socket.io 文檔后,我意識到我的服務器快速實現有問題,我只是忘記在連接協議中注冊事件處理程序......但是,仍然需要觸發生成器兩次才能啟動套接字連接,允許promise解決和用戶加入插座房。

io.on("connect", (socket) => {
    console.log("[server] connect");
    socket.on("join-room", ({ userId }) => {
        console.log(`[server] join-room: ${userId}`);
        socket.username = userId;
        socket.broadcast.emit("users.join-room", { userId });

    socket.on("leave-room", ({ userId }) => {
        if (userId) {
            console.log(`[server] leaving-room: ${userId}`);
            userIds = userIds.filter((u) => u !== userId);
            delete socket["userId"];

            socket.broadcast.emit("users.leave-room", { userId });

    socket.on("comment", ({ text }) => {
        console.log(`[server] message: ${text}`);
        const message = {
            id: messages.length,
            userId: socket.userId

        socket.broadcast.emit("comments.new", { message });

connect ,不是connection


(commentSagas.js > connect())


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