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if/elif/else 語句

[英]If/elif/else statements

我的程序/項目是關於詢問用戶他是否足夠高可以乘坐過山車並提供“是”或“否”答案的陳述。 我的問題是,如果用戶輸入的不是是或否,我希望它說:“請輸入是或否。” 我的代碼一直有效,直到我嘗試插入該語句。 如何插入該語句而不會出現錯誤。

rc1 = input('Are you tall enough to ride this roller coaster? ')
if rc1 == 'no':
    print('Please exit the ride!')
elif rc1 == 'yes':
    rc2 = int(input('How tall are you? '))
if rc2 <= 119:
    print('You are not tall enough for this ride!')
    print('Enter and enjoy the ride!')

只是一些快速的事情。 就像上面一樣,while 循環是 go 不斷提示用戶的好方法,直到您以所需格式輸入並且您的 rc2 變量在 if 語句中定義並且不可用於比較,因此需要提前定義它適用於您的第二個條件。 像這樣的東西:

rc1 = input('Are you tall enough to ride this roller coaster? ')
rc2 = 0
while str.lower(rc1) not in ('yes', 'no'):
    print('Please answer yes or no')
    rc1 = input('Are you tall enough to ride this roller coaster? ')
if rc1 == 'no':
    print('Please exit the ride!')
elif rc1 == 'yes':
    rc2 = int(input('How tall are you? '))
if rc2 <= 119:
    print('You are not tall enough for this ride!')
    print('Enter and enjoy the ride!')

我添加了一個 while 循環,看起來如下所示:

answer = None
rc2 = None
while answer not in ("yes", "no"):
    answer = input('Are you tall enough to ride this roller coaster? ')
    if answer == "yes":
        rc2 = int(input('How tall are you? '))
    elif answer == "no":
        print('Please exit the ride!')
        print("Please enter yes or no.")
if rc2 <= 119:
    print('You are not tall enough for this ride!')
    print('Enter and enjoy the ride!')


rc1 = input('Are you tall enough to ride this roller coaster? ')
rc2 = None
if rc1 == 'no':
    print('Please exit the ride!')
elif rc1 == 'yes':
    rc2 = int(input('How tall are you? '))
if rc2 != None:
    if rc2 <= 119:
        print('You are not tall enough for this ride!')
        print('Enter and enjoy the ride!')


rc1 = input('Are you tall enough to ride this roller coaster? ')
if rc1 == 'no':
    print('Please exit the ride!')
elif rc1 == 'yes':
    rc2 = int(input('How tall are you? '))
    if rc2 <= 119:
        print('You are not tall enough for this ride!')
        print('Enter and enjoy the ride!')

您必須在開始時初始化rc2變量。 您收到錯誤的原因是程序正在檢查rc2是否小於或等於 119,而它甚至不知道變量是什么。 rc2僅在rc1等於 yes 時存在。 為了以后使用它, rc2必須存在,無論條件如何。

我還得到了一個快速清潔的解決方案,比我應該擁有的更多。 感謝您的幫助

rc1 = input('Are you tall enough to ride this roller coaster? ')
while rc1 not in ('yes', 'no'):
    print('Please enter yes or no.' )
    rc1 = input('Are you tall enough to ride this roller coaster? ')
if rc1 == 'no':
    print('Please exit the ride!')
elif rc1 == 'yes':
    rc2 = int(input('How tall are you? '))
    if rc2 <= 119:
        print('You are not tall enough for this ride!')
        print('Enter and enjoy the ride!')


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