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Xcode 需要哪些設置才能構建此代碼

[英]What settings are needed in Xcode to get this code to build

讓我們看看這個代碼,它位於 header 文件中。 項目本身是 Objective-C++(.h &.mm 文件)。

這看起來像是 C++ 和 Objective-C 的混合體。 根據我的閱讀,為了將 Objective-C++ 與 Objective-C 混合,您必須將所有 C++ 內容保留在 header 文件之外,但這不是案例。


Xcode 需要哪些設置才能構建? 已經比較了項目構建設置,它們是相同的。


  This file is part of the Structure SDK.
  Copyright © 2019 Occipital, Inc. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>

#import <Structure/Structure.h>
#import <Structure/STCaptureSession.h>

#import "CalibrationOverlay.h"
#import "MeshViewController.h"
#import "SettingsPopupView.h"

// See default initialization in: -(void)initializeDynamicOptions
struct DynamicOptions
    bool depthAndColorTrackerIsOn;
    bool improvedTrackingIsOn;
    bool highResColoring;
    bool improvedMapperIsOn;
    bool highResMapping;
    STCaptureSessionPreset depthStreamPreset;

struct Options
    // The initial scanning volume size will be 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 meters
    // (X is left-right, Y is up-down, Z is forward-back)
    const GLKVector3 initVolumeSizeInMeters = GLKVector3Make (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
    // The maximum number of keyframes saved in keyFrameManager
    int maxNumKeyFrames = 48;
    // Colorizer quality
    STColorizerQuality colorizerQuality = STColorizerHighQuality;
    // Take a new keyframe in the rotation difference is higher than 20 degrees.
    float maxKeyFrameRotation = 20.0f * (M_PI / 180.f); // 20 degrees
    // Take a new keyframe if the translation difference is higher than 30 cm.
    float maxKeyFrameTranslation = 0.3; // 30cm

    // Threshold to consider that the rotation motion was small enough for a frame to be accepted
    // as a keyframe. This avoids capturing keyframes with strong motion blur / rolling shutter.
    float maxKeyframeRotationSpeedInDegreesPerSecond = 1.f;
    // Whether we should use depth aligned to the color viewpoint when Structure Sensor was calibrated.
    // This setting may get overwritten to false if no color camera can be used.
    bool useHardwareRegisteredDepth = false;
    // Whether to enable an expensive per-frame depth accuracy refinement.
    // Note: this option requires useHardwareRegisteredDepth to be set to false.
    const bool applyExpensiveCorrectionToDepth = true;
    // Whether the colorizer should try harder to preserve appearance of the first keyframe.
    // Recommended for face scans.
    bool prioritizeFirstFrameColor = true;
    // Target number of faces of the final textured mesh.
    int colorizerTargetNumFaces = 50000;
    // Focus position for the color camera (between 0 and 1). Must remain fixed one depth streaming
    // has started when using hardware registered depth.
    const float lensPosition = 0.75f;

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <STBackgroundTaskDelegate, MeshViewDelegate, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, UIPopoverControllerDelegate, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate, SettingsPopupViewDelegate>



我假設您只是#include / #import來自.mm文件的 header 。

默認結構字段值是 C++11 的新功能。 新項目中的 C++ 標准可能設置為 C++98 嗎?

我不是 100% 確定細節,但也許一些更復雜的默認值表達式只有在更新版本的 C++ 中才有可能。 所以建議你嘗試在項目中更改C++標准版,看看有沒有效果。

Xcode 中的 C++ 語言方言設置


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