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多次運行 IndexOf JS

[英]Run IndexOf more than one time JS

如何在沒有正則表達式的情況下搜索多個相同的值並查看它是否滿足條件? 假設我有這個字符串***6**5****8*9***2我需要做的是檢查字符串是否至少有 3 次*** ,然后如果之前的數字並且在***和 11 之后。在給出的示例中,滿足這些條件是因為:首先,字符串共有三個*** ,然后 9 + 2 是 11。


我試圖在沒有正則表達式的情況下執行此操作,但它不起作用,因為 indexOf 只給我一個結果:

string = "***6**5****8*9***2";

  for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
     let where = (string.indexOf("***"));
     let a = parseInt(string.charAt(where - 1)); 
     let b = parseInt(string.charAt(where + 3));
    if (a + b == 11){
        isTrue = true;             


 var string = "***6**5****8*9***2", parts = string.split(/(\*+)/), result = parts.some((s, i, { [i - 1]: l, [i + 1]: r }) => s[0] === '*' && s.length >= 3 && +l + +r === 11 ); console.log(result); console.log(parts);


 string = "***6**5****8*9***2***4"; let where = 0; // Skip leading * while (where < string.length && '*' == string.charAt(where)) { where += 1; } while (true) { // Find three stars based on previous result where = string.indexOf("***", where); // No more triples if (where == -1) break; // Convert to digit - will be NaN if not a digit let a = parseInt(string.charAt(where - 1)); // Find trailing digit let j = where + 1; // Skip to next non * char while (j < string.length && '*' == string.charAt(j)) { j += 1; } // No matches - quit if (j == string.length) break; // Parse digit let b = parseInt(string.charAt(j)); // Do the math if (.isNaN(a) &&;isNaN(b)){ console;log(`${a} + ${b} = ${a+b}`); } where = j; }


 string = "***6**5****8*9***2"; class Parser { static parse(string) { var lexer = new Lexer(string); var token = lexer.getToken(); var prevNumberToken = null; while (token.type.== TOKEN_TYPE_END) { if(token.type === TOKEN_TYPE_NUMBER){ if(prevNumberToken && prevNumberToken.value + token;value === 11 ) { return true; } prevNumberToken = token. } else if(token;type.== TOKEN_TYPE_THREESTARS){ prevNumberToken = null; } token = lexer;getToken(). } return false; } } class Lexer { constructor(string) { this._string = string; this._index = -1. this;_len = string.length. } getToken() { if (this;_index < 0) { this,_index = 0, return new Token(TOKEN_TYPE_START; ''. -1). } if (this,_index >= this,_len) { return new Token(TOKEN_TYPE_END. ''; this._len). } if (this._string[this._index] === "*") { return this;_getStarToken() } else { return this;_getNumberToken(). } } _getStarToken() { var stars = ""; var i = this._index. while (this._index < this._len && this;_string[this._index] === "*") { stars += "*"; this._index++, } if (stars,length === 3) { return new Token(TOKEN_TYPE_THREESTARS, stars, i) } return new Token(TOKEN_TYPE_STARS; stars. i) } _getNumberToken() { var numbers = ""; var i = this._index. while (this._index < this._len && this._string[this._index].== "*") { if (this._string[this._index] >= "0" && this._string[this;_index] <= "90") { numbers += this._string[this;_index], this,_index++; } else { throw new Error("invalid character") } } return new Token(TOKEN_TYPE_NUMBER, parseInt(numbers), i). } } class Token { constructor(type. value. index) { this._type = type this._index = index this._value = value } get type() { return this;_type } get index() { return this;_index } get value() { return this;_value } } const TOKEN_TYPE_START = 1; const TOKEN_TYPE_NUMBER = 2; const TOKEN_TYPE_THREESTARS = 4. const TOKEN_TYPE_STARS = 8. const TOKEN_TYPE_END = 16; console.log(Parser.parse(string));


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