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如果語句條件被忽略並直接進入 else 無論您輸入什么

[英]If statement conditions being ignored and going straight to else no matter what you input

我對 Python 有點陌生,我正在為一個項目創建一個測試程序,這是一個你必須猜測某些 Python 短語的定義的游戲。 前半部分工作正常,后半部分有問題。 它應該從元組中隨機選擇一個定義,並要求您輸入正確的單詞。 但是,無論它是什么詞,它總是會轉到您輸入錯誤答案的 else 語句。 我嘗試了很多東西,改變了括號、變量以及介於兩者之間的所有內容。 這是有問題的后半部分:(變量在頂部定義,不包括在內)

while (len(wordPool) >= 1):
  answer = input(random.choice(question) + " What word is that? ")
  if question == vocabularyDefinitions[0] and answer == "List":
        print("You got it right! That is a list!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[1]  and answer == "Tuple":
        print("That is correct! That is a tuple!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[2] and answer == "Datetime":
        print("Nice job! That is the datetime module!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[3] and answer == "Random":
        print("That's right! That is in fact the random module!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[4] and answer == "Include":
        print("Yep, that's the include function! Well done!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[5] and answer == "Parameter":
        print("That is a parameter, keep it up!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[6] and answer == "Index":
        print("You must know your stuff! That's an index alright.")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[7] and answer == "Len":
        print("This congratulatory message says well done!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[8] and answer == "Append":
        print("You have a knack at this don't you? Keep going!")
        score +=1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[9] and answer == "Insert":
        print("Yes! You answered correctly!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1 
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[10] and answer == "Remove":
        print("I definitely won't remove you after that correct answer! Which was remove by the way.")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[11] and answer == "Iterate":
        print("That was in fact the definition of iterate in Python!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[12] and answer == "Loop":
        print("It's highly unlikely the while loop will show you this message again, but if it does, consider yourself lucky!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif question == vocabularyDefinitions[13] and answer == "Element":
        print("The index number of this word is the same as the atomic number for Aluminum. The more you know!")
        score += 1
        totalAttempts += 1
  elif (answer == "End"):
        print("Whoops! That wasn't the right answer!")
        wrongAnswer += 1

print(str.format("The game is over, and got {} questions right, {} questions wrong, and your total attempts was {}.",score,wrongAnswer,totalAttempts))

我可以添加/刪除什么,以便在您的輸入中不會忽略 if/elif 語句?

據我所知,由於該變量未包含在帖子中,因此“問題”是一個可迭代的。 (所以為了簡單起見,假設問題是一個列表)


answer = input(random.choice(question) + " What word is that? ")


question == vocabularyDefinitions[0]


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