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[英][Bash]Read URL from txt file

我有一個文本文件,我想從這個文本文件中一一讀取 URL,並檢查它們是否在 30 天或更長時間內過期。



我有一個 Bash 腳本,它檢查 SSL 證書的到期日期:

echo "checking if $TARGET expires in less than $DAYS days";
expirationdate=$(date -d "$(: | openssl s_client -connect $TARGET -servername $TARGET 2>/dev/null \
                              | openssl x509 -text \
                              | grep 'Not After' \
                              |awk '{print $4,$5,$7}')" '+%s'); 
time=$(($(date +%s) + (86400*$DAYS)));
if [ $time -gt $expirationdate ]; then
    echo "KO - Certificate for $TARGET expires in less than $DAYS days, on $(date -d @$expirationdate '+%Y-%m-%d')" ;
    echo $TARGET on $(date -d @$expirationdate '+%Y-%m-%d') > expireEndpoint.txt;
    echo "OK - Certificate expires on $(date -d @$expirationdate '+%Y-%m-%d')";

一些 URL 也是重復的。



> unreachableOrInsecure.txt
> certLessThan30Days.txt
> certMoreThan30Days.txt
while IFS= read -r line
        if [ -z "$line" ]; then
            continue   # ignore if line is empty

        protocol=`echo $line | awk -F: '{print $1}'` 
        temp=(${line//:/ })
        PORT=`echo ${temp[2]} | awk -F/ '{print $1}'`
        temp=`echo $line | awk -F/ '{print $3}'`
        TARGET=`echo $temp | awk -F: '{print $1}'`

        # 1. Check if it is uses secure HTTP
        if [ $protocol == "https" ]; then
            echo "$TARGET is secure: uses HTTPS"
            echo "$TARGET uses HTTP: insecure" >> unreachableOrInsecure.txt
            echo "$TARGET uses HTTP: insecure" 

        # 2. check if server is reachable
        if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$TARGET"; then
            echo "$TARGET is reachable "
            echo "$TARGET is unreachable " >> unreachableOrInsecure.txt
            echo "============" >> unreachableOrInsecure.txt
            echo "$TARGET is unreachable " 
            echo "============"
            continue   # do not continue anymore, check the next target

        # 3. check if cert is reachable, timeout after 3 secs, don't keep waiting for openssl s_client to return
        echo "checking if $TARGET:$PORT expires in less than $DAYS days";
        expirationdate=$(date -d "$(: | timeout 3 openssl s_client -connect $TARGET:$PORT -servername $TARGET 2>/dev/null \
                              | openssl x509 -text \
                              | grep 'Not After' \
                              |awk '{print $4,$5,$7}')" '+%s'); 
        time=$(($(date +%s) + (86400*$DAYS)));

        if [ $time -gt $expirationdate ]; then
            echo "KO - Certificate for $TARGET expires in less than $DAYS days, on $(date -d @$expirationdate '+%Y-%m-%d')" ;
            echo $TARGET on $(date -d @$expirationdate '+%Y-%m-%d') >> certLessThan30Days.txt;
            echo "============" >> certLessThan30Days.txt
            echo "OK - Certificate expires on $(date -d @$expirationdate '+%Y-%m-%d')";
            echo $TARGET on $(date -d @$expirationdate '+%Y-%m-%d') >> certMoreThan30Days.txt;
            echo "============" >> certMoreThan30Days.txt

        echo "============"
    done < "$input"

編輯:添加 url.txt 和 output 這是我的 url.txt


output 的腳本

msn.com is secure: uses HTTPS
msn.com is reachable 
checking if msn.com:443 expires in less than 30 days
OK - Certificate expires on 2022-04-06
google.com is secure: uses HTTPS
google.com is reachable 
checking if google.com:443 expires in less than 30 days
OK - Certificate expires on 2020-09-22
example.com uses HTTP: insecure
example.com is reachable 
checking if example.com:80 expires in less than 30 days
unable to load certificate
140024794944832:error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:../crypto/pem/pem_lib.c:745:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
KO - Certificate for example.com expires in less than 30 days, on 2020-07-23
www.google.ie is secure: uses HTTPS
www.google.ie is reachable 
checking if www.google.ie: expires in less than 30 days
unable to load certificate
139738534053184:error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:../crypto/pem/pem_lib.c:745:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
KO - Certificate for www.google.ie expires in less than 30 days, on 2020-07-23
www.facebook.com is secure: uses HTTPS
www.facebook.com is reachable 
checking if www.facebook.com: expires in less than 30 days
unable to load certificate
139623076582720:error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:../crypto/pem/pem_lib.c:745:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
KO - Certificate for www.facebook.com expires in less than 30 days, on 2020-07-23
www.kooba.ie is secure: uses HTTPS
www.kooba.ie is reachable 
checking if www.kooba.ie: expires in less than 30 days
unable to load certificate
139831347127616:error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:../crypto/pem/pem_lib.c:745:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
KO - Certificate for www.kooba.ie expires in less than 30 days, on 2020-07-23

修改上述腳本以修復 openssl 錯誤

> unreachableOrInsecure.txt
> certLessThan30Days.txt
> certMoreThan30Days.txt
while IFS= read -r line
        if [ -z "$line" ]; then
            continue   # ignore if line is empty

        protocol=`echo $line | awk -F: '{print $1}'` 
        temp=(${line//:/ })
        PORT=`echo ${temp[2]} | awk -F/ '{print $1}'`
        temp=`echo $line | awk -F/ '{print $3}'`
        TARGET=`echo $temp | awk -F: '{print $1}'`

        # 1. Check if it is uses secure HTTP
        if [ $protocol == "https" ]; then
            echo "$TARGET is secure: uses HTTPS"
            echo "$TARGET uses HTTP: insecure" >> unreachableOrInsecure.txt
            echo "$TARGET uses HTTP: insecure" 

        # 2. check if server is reachable
        if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$TARGET"; then
            echo "$TARGET is reachable "
            echo "$TARGET is unreachable " >> unreachableOrInsecure.txt
            echo "============" >> unreachableOrInsecure.txt
            echo "$TARGET is unreachable " 
            echo "============"
            continue   # do not continue anymore, check the next target

        # 3. check if cert is reachable, timeout after 3 secs, don't keep waiting for openssl s_client to return
        echo "checking if $TARGET:$PORT expires in less than $DAYS days";
        expirationdate=$(timeout 3  openssl s_client -servername $TARGET -connect $TARGET:$PORT </dev/null 2>/dev/null | \
                         openssl x509 -noout -dates 2>/dev/null | \
                         awk -F= '/^notAfter/ { print $2; exit }')
        expire_epoch=$(date +%s -d "$expirationdate")
        epoch_warning=$(($DAYS*86400)) #look for 30 days
        today_epoch="$(date +%s)"
        timeleft=`expr $expire_epoch - $today_epoch`

        if [[ $timeleft -le $epoch_warning ]]; then 
            echo "KO - Certificate for $TARGET expires in less than $DAYS days, on $(date -d @$expire_epoch)" ;
            echo "Cert expires for $TARGET on $(date -d @$expire_epoch '+%Y-%m-%d')" >> certLessThan30Days.txt;
            echo "============" >> certLessThan30Days.txt
            echo "OK - Certificate expires on $(date -d @$expire_epoch)";
            echo "Cert expires for $TARGET on $(date -d @$expire_epoch '+%Y-%m-%d')" >> certMoreThan30Days.txt;
            echo "============" >> certMoreThan30Days.txt

        echo "============"
    done < "$input"

Output 現在看起來像這樣

msn.com is secure: uses HTTPS
msn.com is reachable 
checking if msn.com:443 expires in less than 30 days
OK - Certificate expires on Thursday 07 April 2022 02:18:44 AM IST
google.com is secure: uses HTTPS
google.com is reachable 
checking if google.com:443 expires in less than 30 days
OK - Certificate expires on Wednesday 23 September 2020 02:13:12 AM IST
example.com uses HTTP: insecure
example.com is reachable 
checking if example.com:80 expires in less than 30 days
KO - Certificate for example.com expires in less than 30 days, on Friday 24 July 2020 12:00:00 AM IST
www.google.ie is secure: uses HTTPS
www.google.ie is reachable 
checking if www.google.ie: expires in less than 30 days
KO - Certificate for www.google.ie expires in less than 30 days, on Friday 24 July 2020 12:00:00 AM IST
www.facebook.com is secure: uses HTTPS
www.facebook.com is reachable 
checking if www.facebook.com: expires in less than 30 days
KO - Certificate for www.facebook.com expires in less than 30 days, on Friday 24 July 2020 12:00:00 AM IST
www.kooba.ie is secure: uses HTTPS
www.kooba.ie is reachable 
checking if www.kooba.ie: expires in less than 30 days
KO - Certificate for www.kooba.ie expires in less than 30 days, on Friday 24 July 2020 12:00:00 AM IST


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