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使用 typescript 中的變量修改 object 屬性

[英]Modify object property with a variable in typescript

在 js 中,我有一個 function,它根據參數修改 object 列表中包含的 object 的屬性:

function edit(object, key, property, value){
  object[key][property] = value;

我將如何設法在 TypeScript 中執行相同的 function?


function edit(object: ObjectList, key: string, property: string, value: number){
  object[key][property] = value;

但這不起作用,並且給了我一個Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{ name: string; mastery: number; parent_skill: number; access_level: number; cost: string; cost_value: number; background_color: number[]; font_color: number[]; description: string; required_skills: number[]; }'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ name: string; mastery: number; parent_skill: number; access_level: number; cost: string; cost_value: number; background_color: number[]; font_color: number[]; description: string; required_skills: number[]; }' Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{ name: string; mastery: number; parent_skill: number; access_level: number; cost: string; cost_value: number; background_color: number[]; font_color: number[]; description: string; required_skills: number[]; }'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ name: string; mastery: number; parent_skill: number; access_level: number; cost: string; cost_value: number; background_color: number[]; font_color: number[]; description: string; required_skills: number[]; }'

我希望能夠像這樣調用 function:

edit(myObject, "first", "oneProperty", "newValue1");

結果將是我在 myObject 中的“第一個”項目的“oneProperty”屬性將具有“newValue1”。

更多信息:我的 object 列表

type SkillList = {
  [key: string]: Skill;

我的 object

type Skill = {
  name: string;
  mastery: number;
  parent_skill: number;
  access_level: number;
  cost: string;
  cost_value: number;
  background_color: number[];
  font_color: number[];
  description: string;
  required_skills: number[];

答案是通用的 function:


function edit<O extends ObjectList, K extends keyof O, P extends keyof O[K]>(object: O, key: K, property: P, value: O[K][P]){
  object[key][property] = value;



首先,我們有一個通用類型O ,它允許我們使用輸入的 object 類型,例如,可能縮小[key: string]: Skill; .

然后我們有泛型類型K ,它引用O / object中的所有鍵。

之后我們有泛型類型P ,它引用object[key]中的所有屬性。

最后我們有O[K][P]告訴 typescript 使用object[key][property]的類型。 這可能是最有用的部分,因為它可以防止用number s 覆蓋string s,例如edit(mySkillObject, "first", "name", "newValue1");


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