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[英]Sort number in antd Table


 const columns = [
        title: 'NPI',
        dataIndex: 'NPI',
        key: 'NPI',
        sorter: (a, b) => a.NPI.localeCompare(b.NPI),
        render: (val, record) => <div title={'NPI: ' + val} className="text_overlap">{val}

結果 圖像中給出了排序后得到的結果。



import { Table } from 'antd';

const columns = [
    title: 'Name',
    dataIndex: 'name',
    filters: [
        text: 'Joe',
        value: 'Joe',
        text: 'Jim',
        value: 'Jim',
        text: 'Submenu',
        value: 'Submenu',
        children: [
            text: 'Green',
            value: 'Green',
            text: 'Black',
            value: 'Black',
    // specify the condition of filtering result
    // here is that finding the name started with `value`
    onFilter: (value, record) => record.name.indexOf(value) === 0,
    sorter: (a, b) => a.name.length - b.name.length,
    sortDirections: ['descend'],
    title: 'Age',
    dataIndex: 'age',
    defaultSortOrder: 'descend',
    sorter: (a, b) => a.age - b.age,
    title: 'Address',
    dataIndex: 'address',
    filters: [
        text: 'London',
        value: 'London',
        text: 'New York',
        value: 'New York',
    filterMultiple: false,
    onFilter: (value, record) => record.address.indexOf(value) === 0,
    sorter: (a, b) => a.address.length - b.address.length,
    sortDirections: ['descend', 'ascend'],

const data = [
    key: '1',
    name: 'John Brown',
    age: 32,
    address: 'New York No. 1 Lake Park',
    key: '2',
    name: 'Jim Green',
    age: 42,
    address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park',
    key: '3',
    name: 'Joe Black',
    age: 32,
    address: 'Sidney No. 1 Lake Park',
    key: '4',
    name: 'Jim Red',
    age: 32,
    address: 'London No. 2 Lake Park',

function onChange(pagination, filters, sorter, extra) {
  console.log('params', pagination, filters, sorter, extra);

ReactDOM.render(<Table columns={columns} dataSource={data} onChange={onChange} />, mountNode);
const columns = [
        title: 'NPI',
        dataIndex: 'NPI',
        key: 'NPI',
        sorter: (a, b) => a.NPI - b.NPI,
        render: (val, record) => <div title={'NPI: ' + val} className="text_overlap">{val}

調試時,如果 NPI 是字符/字符串,則將其轉換為數字(整數); 然后使用排序sorter: (a, b) => a.NPI - b.NPI


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