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返回對惰性 static RwLock 中的 T 的引用<option<t> &gt;? </option<t>

[英]Return a reference to a T inside a lazy static RwLock<Option<T>>?

我有一個懶惰的 static 結構,我希望能夠在程序執行開始時將其設置為某個隨機值,然后再獲取。 這個愚蠢的小片段可以用作示例:

use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::sync::RwLock;

struct Answer(i8);

lazy_static! {
    static ref ANSWER: RwLock<Option<Answer>> = RwLock::new(None);

fn answer_question() {
    *ANSWER.write().unwrap() = Some(Answer(42));

fn what_is_the_answer() -> &'static Answer {


error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing temporary value
  --> src/lib.rs:15:5
15 |        ANSWER
   |   _____^
   |  |_____|
   | ||
16 | ||         .read()
17 | ||         .unwrap()
   | ||_________________- temporary value created here
18 | |          .as_ref()
19 | |          .unwrap()
   | |__________________^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function

我知道您不能返回對臨時值的引用。 但我想返回對ANSWER的引用,即 static - 與臨時相反! 我猜這是第一次調用RwLockReadGuard返回的unwrap問題?


fn what_is_the_answer() -> RwLockReadGuard<'static, Option<Answer>> {

但是現在調用代碼變得非常不符合人體工程學 - 我必須進行兩次額外調用才能獲得實際值:


我可以從這個 function 以某種方式返回對 static ANSWER的引用嗎? 我可以通過某種方式映射它來返回RwLockReadGuard<&Answer>嗎?

once_cell就是為此而設計的:在 answer_question 中使用.set(...).unwrap() ,在answer_question中使用.get().unwrap() what_is_the_answer () 。

據我了解您的意圖, Answer的值在lazy_static中初始化時無法計算,但取決於僅在調用answer_question時才知道的參數。 以下可能不是最優雅的解決方案,但它允許對一個值進行&'static引用,該值取決於僅在運行時知道的參數。

基本方法是使用兩個lazy_static ,其中一個用作“代理”來進行必要的同步,另一個是值本身。 這避免了每次訪問ANSWER時都必須訪問多層鎖和Option值的展開。

ANSWER值是通過等待CondVar來初始化的,它會在計算出值時發出信號。 然后將該值放置在lazy_static中,從那時起不可移動。 因此&'static是可能的(參見get_the_answer() )。 我選擇了String作為示例類型。 請注意,在不調用generate_the_answer()的情況下訪問ANSWER將導致初始化永遠等待,從而使程序死鎖。

use std::{sync, thread};

lazy_static::lazy_static! {
    // A proxy to synchronize when the value is generated
    static ref ANSWER_PROXY: (sync::Mutex<Option<String>>, sync::Condvar) = {
        (sync::Mutex::new(None), sync::Condvar::new())
    // The actual value, which is initialized from the proxy and stays in place
    // forever, hence allowing &'static access
    static ref ANSWER: String = {
        let (lock, cvar) = &*ANSWER_PROXY;
        let mut answer = lock.lock().unwrap();
        loop {
            // As long as the proxy is None, the answer has not been generated
            match answer.take() {
                None => answer = cvar.wait(answer).unwrap(),
                Some(answer) => return answer,

// Generate the answer and place it in the proxy. The `param` is just here
// to demonstrate we can move owned values into the proxy
fn generate_the_answer(param: String) {
    // We don't need a thread here, yet we can
    thread::spawn(move || {
        println!("Generating the answer...");
        let mut s = String::from("Hello, ");

        let (lock, cvar) = &*ANSWER_PROXY;
        *lock.lock().unwrap() = Some(s);
        println!("Answer generated.");

// Nothing to see here, except that we have a &'static reference to the answer
fn get_the_answer() -> &'static str {
    println!("Asking for the answer...");

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

    // Accessing `ANSWER` without generating it will deadlock!

    println!("The answer is \"{}\"", get_the_answer());

    // The second time a value is generated, noone is listening.
    // This is the flipside of `ANSWER` being a &'static
    println!("The answer is still \"{}\"", get_the_answer());


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