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[英]How to call specific method of struct that implements an interface


package main

import "fmt"

type vehicle interface {
    vehicleType() string
    numberOfWheels() int
    EngineType() string

// -------------------------------------------

type truck struct {
    loadCapacity int

func (t truck) vehicleType() string {
    return "Truck"

func (t truck) numberOfWheels() int {
    return 6

func (t truck) EngineType() string {
    return "Gasoline"

// -------------------------------------------
type ev struct {
    capacityInKWh int

func (e ev) vehicleType() string {
    return "Electric Vehicle"

func (e ev) numberOfWheels() int {
    return 4

func (e ev) EngineType() string {
    return "Electric"

func (e ev) Capacity() int {
    return e.capacityInKWh

// -------------------------------------------

type dealer struct{}

func (d dealer) sell(automobile vehicle) {
    fmt.Println("Selling a vehicle with the following properties")
    fmt.Printf("Vehicle Type: %s \n", automobile.vehicleType())
    fmt.Printf("Vehicle Number of wheels: %d \n", automobile.numberOfWheels())
    fmt.Printf("Vehicle Engine Type: %s \n", automobile.EngineType())

    if automobile.EngineType() == "Electric" {
        fmt.Printf("The battery capacity of the vehicle is %d KWh", automobile.Capacity())

func main() {

    volvoTruck := truck{
        loadCapacity: 10,

    tesla := ev{
        capacityInKWh: 100,

    myDealer := dealer{}


我的dealer{}結構中的Sell方法接收一個接口。 在這個方法中,我想調用一個只存在於實現接口的結構之一上而不存在於其他結構上的方法:

if automobile.EngineType() == "Electric" {
            fmt.Printf("The battery capacity of the vehicle is %d KWh", automobile.Capacity())

請注意, Capacity()僅存在於ev{}中,但不存在於truck{}中。 有沒有辦法做到這一點,而不必將此方法添加到強制所有實現使用它的接口?

您可以使用類型斷言檢查方法是否存在。 檢查該值(或更具體地說,它的類型)是否具有您要查找的方法,如果有,您可以調用它。


if hc, ok := automobile.(interface {
    Capacity() int
}); ok {
    fmt.Printf("The battery capacity of the vehicle is %d KWh", hc.Capacity())

然后 output 將是(在Go Playground上嘗試):

Selling a vehicle with the following properties
Vehicle Type: Truck 
Vehicle Number of wheels: 6 
Vehicle Engine Type: Gasoline 
Selling a vehicle with the following properties
Vehicle Type: Electric Vehicle 
Vehicle Number of wheels: 4 
Vehicle Engine Type: Electric 
The battery capacity of the vehicle is 100 KWh


type HasCapacity interface {
    Capacity() int


if hc, ok := automobile.(HasCapacity); ok {
    fmt.Printf("The battery capacity of the vehicle is %d KWh", hc.Capacity())

Output 將是相同的,在Go Playground上試試這個。


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