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如何使用 VBA 在 Excel 的 5 列中獲得“是”和“否”的排列?

[英]How to use VBA to get permutations of “yes” and “No” across 5 columns in Excel?

我需要在五列中列出是/否的所有排列。 例如,{是,是,是,是,是},{是,是,是,是,否},{是,是,是,否,否},{是,是,否,否,否}等...看這個截圖

問題是我只想出了那幾個,我認為總數是 120... 是否有一些 VBA 代碼我可以運行以獲得所有排列?

您不需要 VBA 來執行此操作。 以下工作表公式可助您實現目標。

Select 單元格B2並粘貼此公式:


現在將該公式復制到此范圍: B2:F33



如果您更喜歡編碼解決方案,這里是如何在 VBA 中執行此操作:

Option Explicit

Sub DisplayYesNoPerms()
    Dim rows&, cols&
    cols = 5
    rows = 2 ^ cols
    [b2].Resize(rows, cols) = YesNoPerms(rows, cols)
End Sub

Function YesNoPerms(rows&, cols&)
    Dim i&, j&, t$, v
    ReDim v(0 To rows - 1, 1 To cols)
    For i = 0 To rows - 1
        t = Format(DecToBin(i), String(cols, "0"))
        For j = 1 To cols
            v(i, j) = IIf(Mid(t, j, 1), "No", "Yes")
    YesNoPerms = v
End Function

Function DecToBin$(ByVal n&)
        DecToBin = n Mod 2 & DecToBin
        n = n \ 2
    Loop While n
End Function

我不會為您提供 VBA 解決方案,而是您可以實現的算法:只需將每個“否”視為數字 0,將“是”視為數字 1。您在二進制系統中創建所有數字,從“00000”到“11111”(所以從0到31)。


You take every number from 0 to 31, and for every number:
  You convert it into binary format.
  In that binary format, replace every 0 by a "No" and every 1 by a "Yes".
  Find a way to fill your Excel sheet with the corresponding results.


這應該將所有組合打印到相應的行/列。 用戶需要 select header 正下方的左上角單元格。

Dim i As Long, ii As Long, iii As Long, iiii As Long, iiiii As Long
Dim j As Long, jj As Long
Dim str As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim arr(1) As String
arr(0) = "yes"
arr(1) = "no"
Dim arr_rows() As String
Dim arr_columns() As String

' five nested loops (each for a column)
' the idea is to have all possibilities (yes or no) covered
' each row is taken care of by adding vbNewLine
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
 For ii = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
  For iii = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
   For iiii = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
    For iiiii = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
     str = str & arr(i) & "," & arr(ii) & "," & arr(iii) & "," & arr(iiii) & "," & arr(iiiii) & vbNewLine
    Next iiiii
   Next iiii
  Next iii
 Next ii
Next i

' splitting the string created in the loop by new line character
' (i.e. obtaining an array with an element for each row)
' for each row splitting by a comma
' (i.e. obtaining another array with an element for each column)
arr_rows = Split(str, vbNewLine)
Set rng = Selection
For j = LBound(arr_rows) To UBound(arr_rows)
    arr_columns = Split(arr_rows(j), ",")
    For jj = LBound(arr_columns) To UBound(arr_columns)
        rng.Offset(j, jj) = arr_columns(jj)
    Next jj
Next j


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